ohhhhh.....i have so much to say, and i hope i dont fuck up the order of events.......i had to do alot of prep for this entry too.......alot of work......so......yesterday was pretty boring till i got to work.........me and my room mate went and got some pizza......then i got to work and started having this pain in my chest.......i figured it was just another panic attack, but i walked over to the EMS just in case.......they suggested i go to the hospital to get my heart looked at and before i knew it, they had me in an ambulance going to the ER.....those bastards tricked me into going......
..........but anyway, my lovely girlfriend came and kept me company and took a bunch of bad pictures of me being all hooked up to heart reading shit.......heres one of em......
so, finally after all the blood tests and x rays.......they tell me im fine and can go......i knew i was fine, but that was just a big waste of four hours.........thank your maker for health insurance........then, my girls boss came and picked us up and he has a world of trouble of his own........i wont get into it, but damn...........that mans going through alot.....so, i got my backpack from work and was heading down to meet my friends at the cats cradle for this bad ass hip hop show.......as soon as i got in there, i felt it coming.......another panic attack......not enough booze in me, and way to many people........so, i held up for about 20 minutes and then had to leave.......i met back up with my girl and we drank some beers in her courtyard till i calmed down.......her apartment is so cool......its like a ghetto version of melrose place......so, after a couple beers i decide that i wanted some bourbon......so we went to the reservoir for a drink and who just happened to be there??? tim barry from avail on his acoustic solo tour.........i had never heard avail, but he was great.......he had his sister caitlin with him.....she was playing violin, which made her and my girl close friends quickly........
thats a bad pic of them playing, but all i got is this camera on my phone.......anyway, after the show they chilled for a while and tim was cool as fuck.......
thats me with them.......wooo!! anyway, we finished our drinks and went back to my girls house and passed out......she had to wake up early to go to greenville and then off to new york for four days.....
......ill miss her......she dropped me off at my house and i started drinking at about 10.......there were three friends passed out on the couch in fetal positions, which i thought was funny.......so, i sat outside and wrote for about an hour.....it was a beautiful day, and i had no one to chill with.......i called my friend shannon and she told me her SG application was accepted......congrats lady!!
.....i think my girl is going to shoot her set, so we're all really excited about seein it come together.......i think thats about it.......big ups to days off......hope everyones doin good.........

so, finally after all the blood tests and x rays.......they tell me im fine and can go......i knew i was fine, but that was just a big waste of four hours.........thank your maker for health insurance........then, my girls boss came and picked us up and he has a world of trouble of his own........i wont get into it, but damn...........that mans going through alot.....so, i got my backpack from work and was heading down to meet my friends at the cats cradle for this bad ass hip hop show.......as soon as i got in there, i felt it coming.......another panic attack......not enough booze in me, and way to many people........so, i held up for about 20 minutes and then had to leave.......i met back up with my girl and we drank some beers in her courtyard till i calmed down.......her apartment is so cool......its like a ghetto version of melrose place......so, after a couple beers i decide that i wanted some bourbon......so we went to the reservoir for a drink and who just happened to be there??? tim barry from avail on his acoustic solo tour.........i had never heard avail, but he was great.......he had his sister caitlin with him.....she was playing violin, which made her and my girl close friends quickly........

thats a bad pic of them playing, but all i got is this camera on my phone.......anyway, after the show they chilled for a while and tim was cool as fuck.......

thats me with them.......wooo!! anyway, we finished our drinks and went back to my girls house and passed out......she had to wake up early to go to greenville and then off to new york for four days.....


aw, hon... i hope you start feeling better soon. i used to have really bad panic attacks all the time. luckily, i haven't had one in a few months now. a change in diet actually helped me. odd question, but do you eat well?