This week @rambo @missy and @lyxzen asked us which is our worst fear..
Well, I am not used to write blog homeworks cause I always feel like I have nothing very interesting to say, or that I could finish it and write like just 6 lines, while I always see alla these beautiful and LONG blog homeworks ahaha I am noto very long-winded so my blogs are actually nothing special..
Anyway, this one is pretty interesting, and, in my specific case, quite funny.
I have really A LOT of fears.. Like, I truly can't stand spiders and EVERY FUCKING KIND of insects. Yes, I also hate the adorable ladybugs and the beautiful butterflies and all these animals normal people usually could never be afraid of.. I am also afraid of death, diseases, but that's not the point, these are not my truly worst fears.
My very worst fear is ET. Yes, the friendly extraterrestrial. First of all, let's say that Spielberg could have created it a little cuter, ok? His fratures didn't help. I am so fucking afraid of the little creep that if I am home alone (and I am 23....) and imagine his voice, I feel the need of turning on all the lights and run on the couch where I can find the protection of a duvet or my dog (a mini pinscher...not really helpful anyway).
I think the reason of this fear is that I saw the movie when I was really really young -I was like 4 probably- in some creepy conditions.. I was with my older sister and my aunt in our house in the mountains, where we used to spend summer, and this house is in the middle of an endless field, and has a forest almost near it.. Plus, it was fucking raining very hard, with lightning, thunders and stuff, so you can imagine the atmosphere... And my aunt that evening went like "Hey tonight there is a beautiful movie on TV, it's perfect for you kids!!!"
Good idea aunt... Boom, ruined childhood and damaged little lady. Thanks.