I had the rest of my neck done tonight. I wasn't in the right mind set when I went in so it sucked more than usual. But my piercer rocks and she did a great job and hit the mark perfectly on all of them. These last three hurt a more afterwards than the last ones that I had done. In order to go the...
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Where'd you get them done? I'm getting my sternum pierced and want someone with lots of surface experience.

Nevermind... we were pierced by the same person. biggrin

[Edited on Jul 17, 2005 12:27AM]
Wow...those will be quite lickable when they heal. tongue

They look great....and rather painful. frown

Thanks for putting up pics.

kiss Be well

[Edited on Jul 16, 2005 11:07PM]
Saw my friend that I did the tat on last night for fireworks a little bit ago. It actually looks very good even with the fact that it was free hand. I may not even need to go back over it because the coverage seems to be very good. The one thing I did wrong was the outline was set too deep. He actually thought...
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When are you going to get some new pics up? When I'm not having lesbian fantasies I do indulge in looking at handsome men, from time to time. tongue
hey now! I thought you were only filling in your own tattoo!! :p and yes, you didn't scare some poor unsuspecting girl... You found me... I am a bit surprised! But it is cool... well I am sure I will see you again soon... and you will talk me into doing something I would prefer to wait to do... but I know you can handle it smile I will look into the transdermal stuff this week...
I did my first tat for a friend tonight, Patty. It was in orange which I found out is not the easiest color to work in especially as small as she wanted it. It wasn't planned, and I would have liked more time to think about it. But I was working on my sleeve and she really wanted it. She likes it a lot but...
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one class down and one to go. Man this medication is making me tired surreal
hope to hear from you soon...you are missed kiss

*edited to go off on a tangent... miao!!

when i think about your earlier journals when you speak of wanting to be productive and do/leave something of worth it reminded me of my younger days ( tongue a few years ago). I was a wmn's studies major/asian studies minor learning japanese and focusing on sexual minority issues within the racial minority communities. i wanted to find a bridge btwn black wmn and japn women, become an international social worker (mainly btwn japn and us), and start programs for sexual minority/racial minority women at college campuses (b/c from what i've seen racial/sexual minorities don't really have a specific voice even within the larger LGBTQ communities on campus).

its like when you're young you're filled with all these desires to affect change and for most, life gets in the way. but obviously going from to the military to being a nanny you still are having an impact...from protecting/serving the nation to caring for/teaching the future. and yet it was such a drastic career change but you are following your heart (not to be overly cheesy). it just makes me feel that perhaps some of what i wanted to accomplish back in my idealist days i can have a part in, albeit, in a different way.

one of my friends told me that when he thought of me and what i would do, he always saw me as being a kind of healer and that was one of the best compliments i ever remember receiving. seeing you go back to school, working towards improving yourself and wanting to have a meaniful, positive impact on others makes me remember what it felt like to want the same. so...thank you

[Edited on Apr 30, 2005 10:48AM]
I guess it just seems like now that I am a mother/wife that the dreams I had before I added on these other parts can no longer be priority. I mean, I want to improve myself but I need to make sure that my daughter's foundation is stable and secure. And alot of what I wanted to do seems to require the spontaneity and energy of a single, young person without the responsibilites of a family.

I still do want to help others and go to school. I plan on finishing my degree when I return to the States in Aug/Sept. But, like you said, nothing is ever really easy in life so I suppose I'll have to find another way to accomplish what I want. whatever

Well my birthday is coming up this Friday, but I'm unsure what to think about that. I'm a little closer to what I want than I was this time last year but I'm still not there yet. My birthdays are always a little wierd for me. I've forgotten three of them two when I was in the service and one after. I don't celebrate them...
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I just now realized that we have the same birthday. At least we can share in the little to no celebration of that day. whatever kiss

I'm definitely not a glass half full type of person but you seem rather critical of yourself. What would you give that would be worthy?

sorry i haven't updated for a while I've been off the map for the last week or so. I had fun at the SGIndy bowling although I showed up late and the event was over by the time I got there. It was good to finally meet some of the people in person that I've been talking to on here. Work has been good and...
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I thought you were dead shocked