Oh I know. It's been SO LONG since I updated, I bet nobody even checks my blog anymore. Well, I'm about to rectify that situation. And, we're off!
First off, a great South Street story. Me and Sinistar are driving up to a stoplight, ready for Lorenzo's Pizza. We wait at this damn light for like 3 lights because some drunk ass bitches are dilly-dallying getting into a cab, and the cab won't move so we can get by. People are honking and flipping out, and we finally get around the cab and park on the immediate right hand corner. As we get out, tempers flare and there is much cursing. They apparently did not realize that on a Saturday night, there are like six cops right by the pizza shop. Next thing we know, the cops walk over, drag the girls out of the cab and send the cab on it's way. Then they call THE PADDY WAGON and throw 3 of them in!! Apparently douchbaggery isn't allowed in Philly. It was SO GREAT lol. Stupid people who think they are all that getting their comuppance = great times in my book.
I'd like to take this time to make a statement. I am lucky enough to be blessed with the company of Squeak each Wednesday night. She's funny, obviously beautiful, caring, and plain amazing. Here's the issue. She just wants to get married. Her boyfriend of some great amount of time (years afaik) won't tie the knot with her. I'm going to make this my legal, binding contract, here for anybody to read. I'd marry her in 7 seconds if the opportunity arose. I am not joking in the slightest. So, baby, if you read this, consider it a proposal.
Dump the chump, obviously I rule over him.
Who else uses the pirate smiley faces? Indeed.
Job is going great, I got transferred to a new store and I'm selling like a maniac. I was top 10 in the company in $ per ticket, top 4 in Tempur-Pedic sales, and like top 30 in overall sales. Go Matt Dykes! *does the go me dance*
I may add more later. Enough for now, gotta run and drop off my car at the shop, it's idling rough. I think it's just a vaccuum leak, but, we shall see. Peace friends.
First off, a great South Street story. Me and Sinistar are driving up to a stoplight, ready for Lorenzo's Pizza. We wait at this damn light for like 3 lights because some drunk ass bitches are dilly-dallying getting into a cab, and the cab won't move so we can get by. People are honking and flipping out, and we finally get around the cab and park on the immediate right hand corner. As we get out, tempers flare and there is much cursing. They apparently did not realize that on a Saturday night, there are like six cops right by the pizza shop. Next thing we know, the cops walk over, drag the girls out of the cab and send the cab on it's way. Then they call THE PADDY WAGON and throw 3 of them in!! Apparently douchbaggery isn't allowed in Philly. It was SO GREAT lol. Stupid people who think they are all that getting their comuppance = great times in my book.
I'd like to take this time to make a statement. I am lucky enough to be blessed with the company of Squeak each Wednesday night. She's funny, obviously beautiful, caring, and plain amazing. Here's the issue. She just wants to get married. Her boyfriend of some great amount of time (years afaik) won't tie the knot with her. I'm going to make this my legal, binding contract, here for anybody to read. I'd marry her in 7 seconds if the opportunity arose. I am not joking in the slightest. So, baby, if you read this, consider it a proposal.

Job is going great, I got transferred to a new store and I'm selling like a maniac. I was top 10 in the company in $ per ticket, top 4 in Tempur-Pedic sales, and like top 30 in overall sales. Go Matt Dykes! *does the go me dance*
I may add more later. Enough for now, gotta run and drop off my car at the shop, it's idling rough. I think it's just a vaccuum leak, but, we shall see. Peace friends.
Its fun to see cops hauling away idiots. as long as the idiot isn't me, of course!
I agree totally about ur comments concerning Squeak. She the most incredible woman I've known in many years. If I was as lucky as that guy, I wouldn't hesitate. I don't care whats going on in ur life, U do not pass over such beauty saying:"wait a year, maybe two, how 'bout three?" What the hell are U waiting for?!!!