Rant time. Oh, yes, my newest update in a while, and it's gonna be me being angry. FUCK YOU FEDEX! It takes you a goddamn WEEK to get my laptop here? It's not coming from the moon!!! And fuck you for your online package tracking not having a sliver of data to give me since FRIDAY AT 6 AM! That's (quick math) 90 HOURS of my package being where? YOU DON'T KNOW! I even called your laughably named "support" hotline and they read off what was posted on the website! The conversation went something like this:
Me:"So, you have no idea where my package has been the past 4 days?"
Them:"We know it left Portland on Friday morning and is scheduled to arrive Thursday."
Me:"Yes, I knew that as well, but where has it gone SINCE THEN? It could be in Bangkok for all you know."
Them:"Yeah, pretty much."
Oh, die in a FIRE Fedex. I'll never use your shipping again as long as I live. I WANT MY LAPPY!!
I'll link up some pictures of my seggzy new laptop when (IF) I get a hold of it. Oh it'll be sexy, don't you worry how. I'll stick some SG stickers on it if all else fails, that should sex it up some. Oh I'm gonna make sweet sweet love to it....I mean....mod it? Ummm, yeah. Seeya.
Me:"So, you have no idea where my package has been the past 4 days?"
Them:"We know it left Portland on Friday morning and is scheduled to arrive Thursday."
Me:"Yes, I knew that as well, but where has it gone SINCE THEN? It could be in Bangkok for all you know."
Them:"Yeah, pretty much."
Oh, die in a FIRE Fedex. I'll never use your shipping again as long as I live. I WANT MY LAPPY!!
I'll link up some pictures of my seggzy new laptop when (IF) I get a hold of it. Oh it'll be sexy, don't you worry how. I'll stick some SG stickers on it if all else fails, that should sex it up some. Oh I'm gonna make sweet sweet love to it....I mean....mod it? Ummm, yeah. Seeya.
hey what you think of the new setup? i like the look... still figuring out the navigation.
hey... do you ever update?