Star Wars Sundays; I'm bringing it to you like a taun-taun in heat.
Odd, actually; what do taun-tauns really know about heat? They spend their entire lives on Hoth. Sub-artic conditions would produce very little heat so when they were in heat they were in heat in the cold. I don't think that's good for them. They might catch pneumonia, like when your Mom always said, "Don't go in and out of the house during the summer -- the air conditioning will make you sick and then after you're sick with a delirioum due to your body-consuming fever we'll sell you to the gypsies to earn back all that money we spent taking you to McDonalds for the stupid Happy Meal toys!"
At least that's what my parents told me.
This is my complete plan for today. I will do nothing else but this:

Well, this and drink beer.
With a steak in one hand and a potato in the other.
Those are euphemisms for my testicles, by the way.
You probably thought they were.
You disgust me.
It snowed here yesterday. What? You don't believe me? Fine, here dear ... err, deer:

I also ran into this lil fella:

After my cat.
And the Rebel Alliance, of course.
Don't be stupid, the Alliance HAS to know about it first otherwise who would set up the shield generator to repel the Star Destroyers from attacking Echo Base, you assholes?!
God, you're so dumb.
Think before you ask these inane questions, please?
I've been masturbating a lot recently.

Okay, maybe I have.
I used to own this very same car:

Who is also dead now.
Oh yes I did so, folks. And I'm going to hell [Dagobah] for it.
Sad news, I will not be in town for the next two weekends as I am going home to Tampa to visit. I will try and update but I seriously doubt there will be pictures. i don't know how you'll make it for two weekends without Star Wars Sundays but I have faith that

PS -

B: Snow!
Okay, it's not StarWars but . . .
StarWars Sunday is not my rule.
C. a Volkswagen Type III
D: Your trip to Tampa
but . . . that means us being deprived of StarWars Sundays?
no worries, however,
maybe you'll enjoy this.