Yes, please:
No, please:

Yes, please:
No, please:
Yes, peas:
No, piece:
And to this silly exploration of polar opposite dynamics, I offer:
I like when I have little of depth to share with you people as it brings out the real me, which is trivial, immature, sarcastic and whack-a-doo.
Which are all my best sides.
Does that make me multi-faceted?
Speaking of facets, TOTALLY into learning how to administer facet joint blocks which is an epidural injection in the rear spine accompanied by a 5-1/2 inch needle jammed into posterior vertebral spacing!
Crap, I had to go and ruin my lack of sharing any depth today and by sharing something of semi-slight significance, didn't I? Well, lets just keep it rolling then -- I bought new argyles! Yes! Si! Oui! I did!
And I'm dancing around right now doing the, "I have new socks!"-dance.
Alas, you are unable to witness this.
Alas, I am also only vaguely clothed.
Alas, I am sharing too much, are't I?
Fine, I'm going to take my socks and go home.
Did I mention where I was wearing one sock in particular?
PS -

No, please:

Yes, please:

No, please:

Yes, peas:

No, piece:

And to this silly exploration of polar opposite dynamics, I offer:

I like when I have little of depth to share with you people as it brings out the real me, which is trivial, immature, sarcastic and whack-a-doo.
Which are all my best sides.
Does that make me multi-faceted?
Speaking of facets, TOTALLY into learning how to administer facet joint blocks which is an epidural injection in the rear spine accompanied by a 5-1/2 inch needle jammed into posterior vertebral spacing!

Crap, I had to go and ruin my lack of sharing any depth today and by sharing something of semi-slight significance, didn't I? Well, lets just keep it rolling then -- I bought new argyles! Yes! Si! Oui! I did!
And I'm dancing around right now doing the, "I have new socks!"-dance.
Alas, you are unable to witness this.
Alas, I am also only vaguely clothed.
Alas, I am sharing too much, are't I?
Fine, I'm going to take my socks and go home.
Did I mention where I was wearing one sock in particular?

PS -

Thanks for more inane buffoonery! Again, fun stuff!!