Moving on to bigger and brighter things, while deftly navigating Netflix like a Corellian pirate with a heart of [mostly] gold (that's a Han Solo reference for those of you that are nerd-challenged) I stumbled upon only the best possible thing ever.
"What might that be, Scotty-bo-botty?" you may well ask.
To which I would respond, "Stop fucking calling my that, I hate that, schmucky-bo-bucky."
Then it's quite possible we would totally break out into fisticuffs, I'd punch you in the junk, you'd pull my hair and then I'd steal your lunch money.
Okay, that's just silly.
No one carries lunch money anymore.
I would steal your wallet, though, and charge your credit card to every squirrel porn site that I could lay my eyes upon and, trust me friends, there are many.
Err, or so I hear.
My point is, Netflix streaming has all seven seasons of this beautiful gem:

I'm obsessed with the show.
I only caught one season of it back in the day. I'm sad to hear that the series ended recently but, let's face it, seven seasons is a damn good run. We can't all be the pathetic geriatric creature that is The Simpsons and run for, what is it now, 97 years?
Someone please kill that over-feted cow.
Pretty please with Nutella on top?
I'll even provide the baseball bat with the uber rusty nails in it.
I have added new mojo to my Element. Here it is. I <3 this fucking thing like no other item in all of existence. Except maybe beer. And sushi. And a new pair of argyles (of which Santa gifted me with THEE PAIR, thanks for asking!) but I <3 this mojo way fucking hard as you can obviously tell by my over-use of the F expletive:

Ahhhh, my life is now complete.
Okay, that was short and sweet, time to go make the donuts.
Not that I really make donuts. Ever. As a matter of fact, I'm not really sure that I even know how to make a donut. I do know for a fact that I dislike the spelling "donut" and prefer "doughnut" alas, as we all know, dough has no nuts and, as a result, I'm confused as to why we would imply that it even did.

No skipping Amerasian babies though. Totally putting that on the priority list! Be ready! :p
T-Rex and I belong to the same club it seems. I hurt my right arm doing push-ups. O_O;;
That T-Rex is gonna be our mascot for tonight's work out