I have this politically-charged, OWS-motivated post to add but this is not the time. You see, that puts me somewhat out of my element and, while I do have political leanings, I tend to espouse them to the wall/TV/bathroom mirror [notnekkid...much] and decidedly not share them with the world because it's a bit like masturbating; everyone does it but no one wants to see the other person do it.
Wait, that's a crock of shit, it's totally hot watching the right person. And, I guess it could be said it'd be hot watching the right person enlighten you as to their political views ... while they were masturbating.
No, rewind. I meant ... oh, screw it, it's too early for corrections.
Truly, though, speaking to/at the unwashed plebeian masses about politics is far, far from my natural element. I'd say my natural element is more like ...
Atomic Metallic Blue.
I put on my big girl panties and fell into the consumer trap of returning to a car payment but, well, it's an Ellllllement. I <3 these box-o'-vehicles. Always have. And with all the camping and hauling of various bits of combat-related metal bits and cycling and polo, well, shucks-golly, this fits the bill quite nicely.
AND YOU CAN CAMP IN IT! I already have! Ffffffffff uuuuuuu, soggy tent with snakes that crawl near your bum!
Wait, that never happened to you?
Why is it always me?
Moving on, a lady I work with, one of conservative stature and slight thighs, joked that I needed to, "Man up!" my vehicle. My response was, "Have you seen my Jeep? I needed to man-down a little bit. Now go bake me something!" I promptly apologized and attributed my rebuttal to an overdose of testosterone fueled by any conversation having to do with my Jeep.
Whateva ...
I saw this and now my world is completely and irrevocably changed. I shall garnish them with ice cream! We will have a longly-long table filled with hundreds, all of different races and origins of ice cream and it will be like the Last Supper, except there will be no god-type-thing chilling and no painting by da Vinci but there WILL be retching and discomfort stemming from much-too-much consumption -- very similar to last Thursday:
Speaking of things that are seen but cannot be unseen, a total oldie but goodie:
Okay, not much today but work summons and I, quite timidly, answer.
PS -
combining Star Wars with Fear & Loathing?
That's so not fair.