Again, I seem to be dashing out the door with nary but a second to spare for SG but I think the fact that I even put forth this minute amount of effort shows how important you all are to me.
Allow to me to desist with the ridiculous eloquence and simply vomit forth the necessary retardation we are all so accustomed to:
True story here; you go, shark. You man-eating machine of the liquid depths, you.
If you're going to burn it down, burn it down in style:
I've been trying to eat healthier lately:
Tastes like chicken.
I swear to fucking Yoda I am going to utilize this in the next week or so on someone, I just haven't decided whom yet:
Speaking of Yoda:
It's turning cold here so I've spent more than a little time obsessing over a winter wardrobe that will:
a) Not leave me freezing random digits off
b) Not cost a fortune (because I'm saving my fortune for a pony)
c) Make me look like my Dad/the Staypuff Marshmallow Man/a hip lumberjack
But fashion is a necessity too, ask Vader:
So I scored a peacoat [yes I giggle when I say that] off of eBay. I'm talking authentic US Navy, 100-percent wool muthafucking pea[giggle]coat. It's about as warm as the inside of a taun-taun on Dagobah. And doesn't smell anywhere near as ripe.

Mmm, cake.
But really, as good as some cake can be, at heart I'm really a pie person.
Now I don't have the time to get going on the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon and the [lack] of initial media focus on it but when I do sit down this week to write a more cognizant update, I WILL adding my wicked two-cents to this whole thing.
Okay, off to work.
Here, you need cute yet again:
PS - HUGE update coming tomorrow or Tuesday. HUGE HUGE HUGE, I just need to gather a few things first, so be careful in the meantime ...
Allow to me to desist with the ridiculous eloquence and simply vomit forth the necessary retardation we are all so accustomed to:

If you're going to burn it down, burn it down in style:

I've been trying to eat healthier lately:

I swear to fucking Yoda I am going to utilize this in the next week or so on someone, I just haven't decided whom yet:

Speaking of Yoda:

It's turning cold here so I've spent more than a little time obsessing over a winter wardrobe that will:
a) Not leave me freezing random digits off
b) Not cost a fortune (because I'm saving my fortune for a pony)
c) Make me look like my Dad/the Staypuff Marshmallow Man/a hip lumberjack
But fashion is a necessity too, ask Vader:

So I scored a peacoat [yes I giggle when I say that] off of eBay. I'm talking authentic US Navy, 100-percent wool muthafucking pea[giggle]coat. It's about as warm as the inside of a taun-taun on Dagobah. And doesn't smell anywhere near as ripe.

But really, as good as some cake can be, at heart I'm really a pie person.

Now I don't have the time to get going on the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon and the [lack] of initial media focus on it but when I do sit down this week to write a more cognizant update, I WILL adding my wicked two-cents to this whole thing.
Okay, off to work.
Here, you need cute yet again:

PS - HUGE update coming tomorrow or Tuesday. HUGE HUGE HUGE, I just need to gather a few things first, so be careful in the meantime ...

And re Amerasian children... before you click the spoiler, I think I need to say that I don't think there was anything -- ANYTHING -- weird -- at all -- about taking your picture, cropping it, and painstakingly adding points all over it for computer analysis.
Say hello to: