Soooo, I tried to post a blog yesterday and it only allowed for the initial sentence to post. no matter how many times I copied and pasted it. I don't know, SG, you're quickly becoming a shitty blog platform. Do I have to threaten to go somewhere else because I'm not getting the love and affection that I need, better yet, that I damn well DESERVE?!
Because I will you know.
Threaten , that is.
I'd probably just pee on you.
Ew, joking.
What I was originally intending to say was, and I'm quite sure it's been said better by others, but ...

No, no, that wasn't it but it is easily relevant to almost every discourse I've chosen to share this week.
What I intended was ... THIS!

And this is because I was tired of seeing late-teens showing up on my door for Halloween.
Look, dude, if you have a full beard you don't need to be trick-or-treating you need to be get-a-jobbing.
Fuck off.
Next year I am giving these out to the older types:

But on to more significant endeavors. I've been working my little, narrow ass off lately. This includes Saturday because, well, they're time-and-a-half and I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth while picking up any wooden nickels.
OH! Speaking of movies with stuttering bartenders that have Turrets Syndrome, I've been watching the living fuck out of this the past few nights:

Now I know 99.11 percent of you know what this movie is based on the above picture alone, and lets sweep under the rug that it was over-marketed all to hell 4-5 years back kind of like Scarface was prior, but, over all this movie is brilliant:

This is. easily, one of my top three favorite scenes in cinema.
Willem Dafoe nails it [which is a common occurrence for him in most roles] and pretty much steals the movie, even though the McManus brothers are still cool as all hell:
As a result of watching the movie ad nauseum lately, I've begun to recite the shepherds prayer while shooting my cats with finger-pistols. Rest assured, they do NOT die. No cats were injured in the making of this diatribe. These actions might mark me as slightly deranged or wholesale whack-a-doo but I'D prefer to market myself under the terms of "esoterically erotic".
That's a whole OTHER topic ...
What I meant to use was, "gloriously obtuse".
Wait, you say you want to recite the shepherds prayer while shooting your cats with finger pistols also? Well, who am I to stand in the way of an aspiring adept of the gloriously obtuse??

Okay, fine, I'll stop being deep. Have a hobbit:

So you need a smile? Here:

Alas, off to work I go. I promise to Yoda that I'll have a whole photo dump [ew] from the last few weeks, I just need to find the time [and the beer and the will] to post.
My will is strong.
My beer and time are weak.
PS - In the spirits [get it?] of post-Halloween revel, I give you:

Because I will you know.
Threaten , that is.
I'd probably just pee on you.
Ew, joking.
What I was originally intending to say was, and I'm quite sure it's been said better by others, but ...

No, no, that wasn't it but it is easily relevant to almost every discourse I've chosen to share this week.
What I intended was ... THIS!

And this is because I was tired of seeing late-teens showing up on my door for Halloween.
Look, dude, if you have a full beard you don't need to be trick-or-treating you need to be get-a-jobbing.
Fuck off.
Next year I am giving these out to the older types:

But on to more significant endeavors. I've been working my little, narrow ass off lately. This includes Saturday because, well, they're time-and-a-half and I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth while picking up any wooden nickels.
OH! Speaking of movies with stuttering bartenders that have Turrets Syndrome, I've been watching the living fuck out of this the past few nights:

Now I know 99.11 percent of you know what this movie is based on the above picture alone, and lets sweep under the rug that it was over-marketed all to hell 4-5 years back kind of like Scarface was prior, but, over all this movie is brilliant:

This is. easily, one of my top three favorite scenes in cinema.
Willem Dafoe nails it [which is a common occurrence for him in most roles] and pretty much steals the movie, even though the McManus brothers are still cool as all hell:
As a result of watching the movie ad nauseum lately, I've begun to recite the shepherds prayer while shooting my cats with finger-pistols. Rest assured, they do NOT die. No cats were injured in the making of this diatribe. These actions might mark me as slightly deranged or wholesale whack-a-doo but I'D prefer to market myself under the terms of "esoterically erotic".
That's a whole OTHER topic ...
What I meant to use was, "gloriously obtuse".
Wait, you say you want to recite the shepherds prayer while shooting your cats with finger pistols also? Well, who am I to stand in the way of an aspiring adept of the gloriously obtuse??

Okay, fine, I'll stop being deep. Have a hobbit:

So you need a smile? Here:

Alas, off to work I go. I promise to Yoda that I'll have a whole photo dump [ew] from the last few weeks, I just need to find the time [and the beer and the will] to post.
My will is strong.
My beer and time are weak.
PS - In the spirits [get it?] of post-Halloween revel, I give you:

cheap paper cups + boiling mulled cider; tell them I used hard cider; ladle the latter into the former and wish them a good night. The possibility of free booze makes them hang on to the cups until the cider bleeds through them...
kids get their choice of a piece of fruit plus two handfuls of candy. accompanying adults are offered a glass of sherry
lol but really, thanks for your love and support. it means so much to me these days when I can't seem to find the light at the end of the tunnel. You are a good friend, no matter how far away you may be, and I appreciate it so very much