Some piece of shit decided to flee the police, lead them on a 58-block chase and decided to end the chase by colliding with my friend's car, killing him instantly.
He was 51.
He was also suffering from Parkinson's Disease and had just recently undergone a surgical procedure to impede the onset of Parkinson's and his prognosis following the procedure was positive.
Guess we'll never see how that prognosis would have panned out now, will we?
I'm too speechless to be angry.
I lose one friend last year to an overdose and now another to an act of selfish abandon.
His services are here (in Florida) next week and, as it turns out, I'll be in North Carolina visiting my Dad who had a stroke a few weeks back.
I don't want to make this one of THOSE blogs. So in order to deflect all the doom and gloom I'm amassing I'll share a little secret with you; this lil' creature followed me home yesterday. I asked Mom if I could keep it and she said yes.
Okay, well I'm way too old to ask my Mom for permission so I decided all on my own to keep it but I thought if I threw my Mom's name into this you would appreciate it more and who am I if not someone used to manipulating other's emotions for my own selfish gain?
I've been shopping for a 4x4 pickup because I know I'll be dealing with snow when I move to St Louis. No, not in August when I get there but eventually. So I've been perusing online and in print for a good deal. Well, with the death of Rick I decided that I'm tired of putting of my dreams to next week, next month, next year. As far back as my pre-teens I had a daydream of what I wanted to be like when I grew uo. I had no clue what that career entailed or if I'd have 2.3 kids and 1.7 picket fences but what that picture always included was me riding in a Jeep Wrangler. No top. Big tires. With a dingo pup wearing a blue neckerchief, naturally, (red would make his face look fat) and a Frisbee because my pup will chase, and hopefully return, a Frisbee.
And he will ride shotgun with me in my Jeep.
No shit.
This has always been my perfect childhood dream.
And we will drive all over the place. And we will both smile. We will both smile because if you've ever ridden in a vehicle with 33-inch tires you can't NOT smile as you hum on down the road.
Now I don't have the pup yet but I will be on the lookout in the very near future. Truth be told I'm glad I haven't run into (if I was in the Jeep it'd be run OVER) one yet because I rent a room. In three weeks I will live in a huge house with a backyard the size of Portugal.
I realize a Dingo would be hard to acquire (plus he'd ALWAYS have that accent and want to cook shrimps on the barby and, really, have you tried to cook shrimp on a grill? Have you? The fall right through the fucking rails and then cook on the coals and smell all divine but can you get to them? Nooooo. Then they taunt you with their olfactory deliciousness and you wonder, "Why God why did I get an Australian dog?!") and ... where was I? Oh. yes, I realize an Australian animal is hard to acquire so a Blue/Red Heeler breed will do, as will a Carolina Dog AKA American Dingos.
Here's a (bad) pic of a Blue Heeler and a Red Heeler both in the same pic:
My parents both volunteer in No Kill shelters up in North Carolina so I have them keeping an eye out for any of those type of pups.
The first thing I will teach my pup to do is this:
I really want a horse too, but we won't have the land for that. Unless I get this:
I also would like a turtle but this isn't a dream I've carried since childhood I just think they're funny. Plus I would dress him in ninja clothing:
I would like a llama too because they spit on things and if I could train it to spit on whomever upon command I would be a happy fella:
A moose would be cool too because one of my favorite animals ever was this gorgeous orange and white tabby cat that grew up with Bones.
This is a picture of Miss Mooses holding Bone's fucking paw! God do I miss this cat.
I loved that cat more than life but when the ex and I split she took Miss Mooses I took Bones.
Bones too still misses Miss Mooses.
Say that three times quickly.
Another thing was that I learned to read at a very early age. One of my favorite stories that I read over and over and over again was Rikki Tikki Tavi.
So, it's time for new ink. I've loved this since my childhood, just like the Jeep, so I'm going to get Nag, the male cobra, on one leg and Rikki on the other leg, effectively a yin and yang element, which is another thing I have followed since my early teens when I began to read about Eastern religion.
This is my new polo club that I'll be playing polo with when I move to St Louis:
And, finally, I'm starting the Harry Potter movies today. I've never seen any or read any of the books.
I know!
But, in my defense, I used to work at Borders Books and started there right about when the second book came out. It was a midnight sale and was batshit crazy. Any of you that know we know that I'm not too fond of guano, so after this activity I always had an aversion to the books and, obviously enough, the movies.
But after this pic? C'mon!
Live for today, friends. Seriously. It sounds quaint and cute and neat but I'm here to tell you, it's so true. Tomorrows not guaranteed. Hell, "later" isn't guaranteed.
Alright, off to go suck down copious amount of coffee and then prep for the Women's World Cup Finals with American and Japan. Can I get a "hell yes"?
Eye truly <3 ewe all,
PS -
Excellent blog though. You're a funny guy