I figured I'd start the week off with some serious positivity and who can be more positive than Chistopher Walken? I mean the guy is so cool that he even did all his own dancing (minus the dive off of the landing) in Fatboy Slims's Weapon of Choice video. He's so enjoyable to me that he makes ALMOST any movie he's in better. Note the "almost" in my prior sentence because there were a few turds that even HE couldn't help polish (ew) such as, Kangaroo Jack. Seriously, Christopher, what were you thinking?
Did it go anything like this, I wonder:
Walken's Agent: "Christopher, I have this great gig for you, it's, get this -- a movie about a CGI'd kangaroo with an Australian accent!"
Christopher: "I think .. you ... are off ... your ... fucking ... rocker. LET'SDOIT!"
Did you know that Walken will not accept a script unless it is sent sans punctuation? He prefers to administer his own oral flow and diction to the lines of a script.
You didn't know that?
Well, now you know. And as GI Joe always says, knowing is half the battle.
Lets dance, bitches:
I work five days a week. Three days a week I see patients and the other two are spent at my desk prepping patients charts for the following three days of clinic time. This is a monotonous, boring venture that made me thrilled to learn I could watch Netflix on my phone back in the day. Since I have started watching things I've made it through a butt-ton multitude of series, including all of The Tudors, Firefly, MI6, Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations, and many more I'm not remembering. As of late I've been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm just getting ready to begin the final season. It took me a full season, if not longer, to even get fully invested in the series. It doesn't initially have the humor of Firefly, nor did I care for the cast very much in the beginning. I realize it was Whedon's first big hit and the growing pains are obvious but, be that as it may, it grew to become a campy, witty show, not afraid to significantly poke fun at itself.
I shall miss it when it ends.
Moving on to a more positive, and today is ALL about positive, note:
Chtulhu the Pooh

Okay, let me be frank with you:

Ahem, as I said, let me be frank with you; I'm completely psyched that a month from today I'll be 1000 miles away from Florida and living in St Louis. I have quite a few good friends and a new family to start my life with.
That and I'll be 265 miles from StCyr, who, if you haven't noticed is one of the coolest guys on here and he's a year older than me which makes me feel so much better about my vanishing youth. Ahem, oops. STARSCREAM!
I'll also be 312 miles from Nashville. Oh do I want to see Nashville.
And I'll be 301 miles from Chicago. Oh do I want to see Chicago.
That mileage may seem a bit excessive to some but I'm a tried and true road-tripper who loves nothing more than hopping in a car a cruising down the highways and by-ways.

I wanna rabbit, George. I will name him after tea.
I'm not really sure where the rabbit declaration came from, it was kinda like ...

Why do the English eat beans with their breakfast?
No, seriously, why?
Because they're damn well the bee's knees, THAT'S why!
I tried this the other day, along with scrambled eggs, toast [burnt on both sides, duh) and, of course, an English Muffin, which I hear they don't really eat in England but I think that's just conspiratorial rubbish.
No, actually, look at this:

That's more what I'm talking about. I got this pic from British Breakfast which, literally, is an entire website dedicated to extolling the virtues of the nations morning repast.
And we're walking, walking ...
I know I'm being positive, so let me allow for the fact that I positively loathe my neighbors, so it's a good thing I'm moving, otherwise:

This is my cat yesterday, except not with toilet paper but with every other item on my desk (which was, at that moment, on my floor):

So then I was all like:

But then we were all like:

Because he does this:

There's an English pub close to me that is, ironically enough, called The Pub, that does an English breakfast so I am therefore going to sally forth and partake of this bean-fully beautiful bounty and combine that with my appreciation of English beers. This will lead to a stupid-early nap and, positively speaking, I'm okay with that.
PS: Because we all know our own Kaitlyn and I wish for this blog to end with a feeling of solidarity across any readership:

I mean, I guess I could find it on the net myself but that sounds hard.
You may be jealous of the fellow kissing my cheek because he's a Glaswegian who has no doubt already enjoyed a lifetime of English breakfasts that you are so craving at the moment!