My buddy just had a baby. Okay, no, pause, start again, my buddy's wife just had a baby. NINE pounds five ounce. That's a big damn kid. AND it's a girl -- huzzah, meatbaby!

And with all that said;
I want to learn to make my own pasta.
I want to use the word "tuber" during an interview for employment.
I want to go to the Ukraine.
I want to have sex in the forest, at night, with a woman wearing a flowing skirt and little else.
I plan an accomplishing all of these wants in the next twelves months ... starting now.

That's about all I have for tonight but a little is better than too much. I realized that this weekend after I ate a 30oz piece of charred meat.
And washed it down with 60oz of smallcraft beer.

St Louis, T-minus six weeks, three days and counting.

I <3 Frazier.

No, not THAT Frazier, THIS Frasier!

Actually, I <3 Niles more than Frazier. He amuses me more. Eddie the dog can suck it.
Okay, I need pizza ...

And gottdamn rest assured, I will defend it with my very life, and this sweet weapon:

PS Here:

You should do likewise.
We can drive up together . . .