Ryan Dunn died this morning in an automobile accident.
This sucks.
Jackass is/was by no means an intellectually deep or intelligent show but it is/was indeed a show that illicited mirthful noises out of me like no other. As the facts are coming out it looks like he tumblr'd a pic of he and a couple of other friends out partying a few hours prior to his death.
Preliminary reports are saying speed was indeed a factor.
I hope they mean the car and not the drug.
I mean, well, I'm really NOT kidding, I hope it's not the drug but I realize their statement was pertaining to the vehicle's movement rate.
Rest In Peace, Ryan.
Okay, on to happier things:

Seriously? is it? Dwell on that and get back to me.
So this weekend was a weekend full of BBQ, BBQ, BBQ, movies, polo, polo, polo, polo, a lil' beer and more polo.
And then another movie.
Needless to say, I'm kaput.
But I look at it this way.

I saw this yesterday:

It was pretty good. A little darker and a little less silly than the last two. I can barely remember the last two because all they seemed to be to me was ads for Disney's next ride or video game. This movie is much more character-driven and still pretty fun.
I think I'm just happy to continually see Keith Richards in pirates get-up.
Speaking of krakens:

This was my day at work, well at least the morning anyway:

But then I decided to turn my frown upside down and stop being such a Debbie Downer:

I mean, it's not like I woke up with any of my appendages magically displaced upon my body:

It's threatening to pour like hell, so I'm getting off.

By the way, would someone get me this for Pepperoni Pizza Celebration Day [it's a close cousin to Easter, twice removed]?

Oh, wait, you need cute today too? Surely.


See? I deliver on all counts!
PS I'm using this space to perform a public service announcement for this poor animal:

Seems that his death was only a joke 

yea i liked the new pirate movie there were more sexual innuendos going on...hells yea. Every time i see that commercial about faster internet so we can now send even more funny cat pictures....i think of you.