I have two revelations for you today and don't feel as if you need to thank me or shower me with shiny baubles or perform a dance in my honor for I simply do this out of the goodness of my <3:
Numero One:
No, seriously, Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is the gottdamn voice of Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons!
Mind = blown!
And, Numero Two-o:
This is how ALL of us visualized our playing of "guns" when we were wee groms [don't even try to deny it] although there may have been a tad less bloodsplatter visualized you KNOW the rocket launchers and the C-4 explosives are dead fucking on.
This weekend was spent exploring Epcot, grilling much meat, drowning/downing much cerveza, napping, stretching, dancing and being the best lay-bouts a human being can possibly be.
I loved this weekend.
Literally and figuratively.
And semantically.
I'm good to go.
So the move to St Louis is all green lights, Mission Control. It'll be the first weekend of August. The idea of leaving my stagnant Florida life and starting something anew makes me almost giddy.
Screw that, I is the giddy.
I hate where I live, I hate where I work and, most of all, I hate strawberry ice cream.
All of this will soon be rectified.
Because, well, Yoda says so.

So I'm headed off in a few hours to go see X-men: First Class and I'm pretty damn psyched about it, as I've heard many a good review from all the right sort of people.
I've also become somewhat substantially fixated on Shannyn Sossamon as of late. She's like a mad hot Romulan chick with oodles of acting talent.

Le sigh.
And now for something I'm not fixated on?
I'm past sick of Charlie Sheen. Fall off a cliff with your car, again, and engulf yourself in flames unyielding and unrelenting, shitbag.

Can you feel it in the air?
I can.
Time to split.
Today's update has been short but [hopefully/hopelessly] sweet.
And so was Dorothy.

Oh, PS -- this has been on my mind a lot too:

Numero One:
No, seriously, Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is the gottdamn voice of Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons!
Mind = blown!

And, Numero Two-o:
This is how ALL of us visualized our playing of "guns" when we were wee groms [don't even try to deny it] although there may have been a tad less bloodsplatter visualized you KNOW the rocket launchers and the C-4 explosives are dead fucking on.
This weekend was spent exploring Epcot, grilling much meat, drowning/downing much cerveza, napping, stretching, dancing and being the best lay-bouts a human being can possibly be.
I loved this weekend.
Literally and figuratively.
And semantically.
I'm good to go.
So the move to St Louis is all green lights, Mission Control. It'll be the first weekend of August. The idea of leaving my stagnant Florida life and starting something anew makes me almost giddy.
Screw that, I is the giddy.
I hate where I live, I hate where I work and, most of all, I hate strawberry ice cream.
All of this will soon be rectified.
Because, well, Yoda says so.

So I'm headed off in a few hours to go see X-men: First Class and I'm pretty damn psyched about it, as I've heard many a good review from all the right sort of people.
I've also become somewhat substantially fixated on Shannyn Sossamon as of late. She's like a mad hot Romulan chick with oodles of acting talent.

Le sigh.
And now for something I'm not fixated on?
I'm past sick of Charlie Sheen. Fall off a cliff with your car, again, and engulf yourself in flames unyielding and unrelenting, shitbag.

Can you feel it in the air?
I can.
Time to split.
Today's update has been short but [hopefully/hopelessly] sweet.
And so was Dorothy.

Oh, PS -- this has been on my mind a lot too:

Oh yeah. Thank You for the congratulations, my friend. I've been going around saying how...odd it feels to have met one another on this site of all places...but then again with so many people "meeting" online nowadays, maybe it isn't so strange afterall. Anyhow, thanks again so much - I feel very, very lucky.