Seriously, I live by this quote.
Thank you for making my sex life so easy, John.
I haven't really been feelin' SG lately. Guess I'm too scattered and busy to sit down a string words along into an intelligent or amusing sentence structure and, for that, I somewhat apologize.
Kinda sorta.
I'm sure you're devastated by my lack of tri-weekly updates, so in order to quell the inevitable wrath that I just know you're wanting to expel upon my forthrightly, I give you:

All better.
Most of my free time as of late has been divided up amongst polo, polo, polo, polo and ... purging.
See? I just saw you raise an eyebrow.
I don't mean, "Hey, I just had mad amounts of pizza and cerveza and it was such a devastatingly epic gorging that I now need to go make myself forcefully vomit in order to keep this lithe and wiry figure"-purge. Actually, it's more a, "Shit, I'm moving in seven weeks and I need to cull from the herd that is my belongings"-purge.
Although, damn it, now I want pizza.

Before I go any further about moving I'd appreciate a collective moment of silence for Randy "the Macho Man" Savage:

Thank you, I appreciate the time taken.
So, I'm moving to St Louis the first week of August. I'm shooting for a position with Barnes-Jewish Hospital, which is affectionately known as 'The Beast" for it is the size of a small country.
Or two very small countries.
Or three wickedly small countries.
I was curious as to whether I needed to indeed be Jewish or a barn to work there and was informed that neither is the case. You probably heard my sigh of relief, didn't you? Anyhoo, they're a teaching hospital and they have a stellar nursing school, so this is indeed my plan; employment and schooling all in the same clam.

See? Beast.
When I move I want a goat. He/she will help me do the dishes.

I would like an octopus too but I'm not sure where I would keep them:

And I swear by all that is holy and unholy, by the very god Nutella herself, I will have a hedgehog:

I've reached a point where I realize I'm destined for something greater than where I'm currently stationed in life. I don't mean like becoming a president, or taking over the New England Philharmonic but I've had indicators from a few different catalysts that it's time to lift my moorings and venture forward. To stop being so safe and comfortable in routine and experience new rangings, if you will [that last sentence is for you, Stu -- don't fail me]. St Louis is my first stop. If things work out well there, and I have no reason to believe they will not, excellent, new chapter in life. If for some reason things do not work out so well, fine, the moorings come up and travel on I will.
I want to see things I've never seen before:

Indulge in foods I've never indulged upon before:

Meet people [meatpeople!] I've never met before:

Dance with people I've never danced with before:

All in all, I'm ready and embracing the concept of change, which, if you know me, is something I'm normally not so fucking thrilled about. I like having a daily regimen, a regime. Hell make that a weekly and monthly one too. But things have grown so stagnant and easy where I live now that I have to change.
I may very well be at this blog in 2.1 months stating that things are too hard and I wish I had my old life back but, so be it. At least I made the change.
So, with that said, I'm going to sit back ...

Relax ...

And enjoy the ride ...

Okay, I need eggs.
PS - Wait, wait, wait, if I started out with a supreme quote, I need to end with a supreme quote. As a result, I give you:

amen, and again, if half the rumors are true . . . this may be the music fest of the century - - or at least the best in 3 decades!
You are amazingly sweet.
I love sooooo much about this blog, by the way. But droll is awful and I won't stand for it! Also, my eyes change colors actually. Like, a chameleon or something, it's very odd. Sometimes they are gray, sometimes blue, even green from time to time. I don't know if certain colors just bring out flecks in my eyes, or if the GENUINELY change colors, cuz I don't even know if that's possible. But, I feel like they change. So, I'm gonna say it. They change. LOL Aaaaaaaand can I still have a chupacabra? My favorite wine is called Chupacabra! WIN! Only, I feel like I'd want to name him Walter. Something dignified.