Hoppy Easter or, for all the more denominationally specific [read: retentive], Happy Zombie Jesus Day.

This is my first weekend after the renn faire ended.
I'm not feeling as down as I would have expected.
This may have something to do with the fact that I played exorbitant amounts of polo back to back Thursday/ Friday night AND that I decided to treat me narrow Irish bum to a self-date AND take myself to Epcot yesterday also.
Besides keeping myself uber occupied [that kinda sounds like Poland in WW2] I also dealt with drama the last day of faire that made my heart sick. I witnessed and confirmed something that I'm not comfortable revealing here, but, needless to say, this shook the foundations of my belief in a person that I've always held in very, very high regard.
On top of that, I have a bartender that might possibly lose his job for drinking on shift.
Hey, we've all heard of folks drinking during these things [and I'm no angel, disregard the crooked halo] but to fill your mug from the tap, fill it utterly full and then proceed to chug down that carbonated, alcoholic goodness is kinda asking for it.
Never mind doing it in front of the guy that runs the faire site.
And the OWNER of the gottdamn renn faire.
Doing something this obvious, regardless as to if you're unaware of the management presence or not, and well you're looking for and should expect some heat.
So, in a nutshell, things could have ended better.
Annnyhoo, here's to you Bay Area Renaissance Festival 2011, you were tops in my book:

Okay, here's the Epcot in a few pics. They're off my iPhone and I didn't crop shit because, well, I didn't:

And here was my din-din from last night; veggie burger with mozzarella [if it was Morrissey's it'd be Mozzzz-arella] and topped with curry-sauteed mushrooms on a whole wheat roll with fresh horseradish garnish.
I was nursing a busted knuckle and sore side from polo so I needed comfort food:

This is a short entry.
This is a relatively boring entry.
This entry has very little wit or funny-isms.
This is because my brain is slowly getting back to the normal daily grind and as this happens I'll be writing more again.
Hopefully I'll be more amusing and provide chortles.
Not throttles; chortles.
Although, for the right price, throttles too.
I was [and still to point still am] mentally exhausted after these last eight weeks so sitting down attempting to compose anything of significance was just taking too much out of me, especially because on Monday I would come home from the weekly job and literally go right to sleep until Tuesday and rinse and repeat for Wednesday.
So, expect more updates is my point.
I realize this could be a good or bad thing, depending upon who you are.
Now for the stupid:

Okay, enough of wasting your Easter Zombie time, I'm outta here -- heading back to Epcot!
Ahh, the beauties of an annual pass.
Eye <3 ewe,
PS - Okay, fine, one final pic:

Well, me at least.
Again, I'm sort of selfish like that.