To all of you who actually read my blog posts thank you! I may not always respond (because I am still trying to figure out how to navigate this site) but I do appreciate it.
I finally got my first tattoo last night. It was an amazing experience. I expected more pain but it was really comfortable. I guess because I got it on my arm. I'm saying now that it will be my only one. But who knows what traumatic event will occur in my life and I will get another tattoo.

I finally got my first tattoo last night. It was an amazing experience. I expected more pain but it was really comfortable. I guess because I got it on my arm. I'm saying now that it will be my only one. But who knows what traumatic event will occur in my life and I will get another tattoo.

Thanks Kay. You be careful. I look forward to emailing you and getting emails from you. You are a sweetheart.
I can't remember how to add you to my list of top friends. But trust me, you are on the list.