the space bar on my keyboard always sticks. i forsee this to be amajor annoyance soon. i will have to take my muffin to the Apple Store and make them fix it. or kill them.
i am not unpacked all the way. the walls here are very white and the room is sorting of looming because of it. i need more wall art.
i like the location though. i am halfway between campus and Harvard Square. and the Commons are right down the road. if i ever get myself a turtle i will take it there to roam.
to any who have IM'd me.. i am more often away than anything so getting me online is not always do-able. i am just too busy right now for too much internet.
not too busy for Janell, though. i will give you directions soon and we will PARTY!! or something of the fun variety.
i am not unpacked all the way. the walls here are very white and the room is sorting of looming because of it. i need more wall art.
i like the location though. i am halfway between campus and Harvard Square. and the Commons are right down the road. if i ever get myself a turtle i will take it there to roam.
to any who have IM'd me.. i am more often away than anything so getting me online is not always do-able. i am just too busy right now for too much internet.
not too busy for Janell, though. i will give you directions soon and we will PARTY!! or something of the fun variety.

well saturday duringg the day i will be getting my scottish on with my dad and sister at the highland games...BUT i'd REALLY really like to see Corpse Bride with YOU! i can almost garentee that movie's going to make me cry.
i go to a laser center down the C line. in fact i went yesterday and all my bush has been wacked