back home in The Shire. landing in the mini-blizzard at Manchester made me semi-anxious. it seems my love for flying is slowly turning into a seething dislike.
i assisted H with the removing of ice from his vehicle this morning, while he shoveled the beast free from the wall of ice the plow landed in front of it. then off he went, returning to his home land for work..
finished "Healter Skelter." i am thinking of reading one of the recommended books. possibly, "Abarat." i like that Clive Barker fellow. but we'll see what i end up with.
today envolves much cleaning of the christmas mess. there appears to have been a paper massacre in my livingroom. the horror, i tell you! on the plus side, i ended up with a lot of nice things (none so nice as the company i shared over the holidays, though.. right?).
hope the holiday was divine for everyone. i must be off to do maid-like duties..
i assisted H with the removing of ice from his vehicle this morning, while he shoveled the beast free from the wall of ice the plow landed in front of it. then off he went, returning to his home land for work..
finished "Healter Skelter." i am thinking of reading one of the recommended books. possibly, "Abarat." i like that Clive Barker fellow. but we'll see what i end up with.
today envolves much cleaning of the christmas mess. there appears to have been a paper massacre in my livingroom. the horror, i tell you! on the plus side, i ended up with a lot of nice things (none so nice as the company i shared over the holidays, though.. right?).
hope the holiday was divine for everyone. i must be off to do maid-like duties..

so you're back eh....hmmmmm...naked time? some time?