the space bar on my keyboard always sticks. i forsee this to be amajor annoyance soon. i will have to take my muffin to the Apple Store and make them fix it. or kill them.
i am not unpacked all the way. the walls here are very white and the room is sorting of looming because of it. i need more wall art.
well saturday duringg the day i will be getting my scottish on with my dad and sister at the highland games...BUT i'd REALLY really like to see Corpse Bride with YOU! i can almost garentee that movie's going to make me cry.
my computer died for a while there. all my internet-happenings hadto be done at work, which made it very unoppertune to check out one ofmy favorite internet sites.
but now i have a new machine and am back in action. woohoo!
right imagine what we sound like would be very pop rock on our first record whick you can download on kazaa and on our new atuff its like joan jett fronting guns and roses. yup tht should do it.