So, if you read my blog, you are gonna get to know me... who I am, what I think about, what makes me tick. Things I love, things I care about, things that make me happy, sad, concerned, provoked. Today, you will discover that I consider myself a feminist. For many, that word sounds of alarms, and may be offensive in and of itself. Not all feminism is the stereotypical 'I am woman, hear me roar!', in-your-face-lookin'-for-a-fight kinda feminism. Rather, the breed of feminism I ascribe to is that of the 'if it feels good, do it!' variety. So, this is my first blog post that will help you understand the kinds of things I consider as a part of my own feminist philosophy.
To be honest, this is the first time I've actually written about a topic and chosen to straight-up identify it with feminism. Even I, as a self-identifying feminist, have shied away from using the word because of the negative connotations it seems to carry, at least in North American society. I am not formerly educated as a feminist, nor do I know every historical fact and tidbit, nor do I claim to 'know all there is to know' about feminism. I consider myself to have an open mind, and am edgar to learn, shape, and re-shape my own personal thoughts and ideas as to what feminism is, was, could be, or should be. Ok, enough of a disclaimer already - to my point!
Check out this video:
I saw this online last week. A little girl, Riley, is about 4 years old, standing in an aisle in Toys-r-Us with her dad. It is while in this toy aisle that she pieces together the concept of gender constructs. Riley asks 'why' girls toys are pink, and boys toys are all different colors. She's very concerned because she knows that girls and boys end up liking stuff just because they like it, not because they're "supposed" to or not. I found this moment of watching such an innocent, un-influenced mind of a child piece together a big part to the puzzle we call 'true happiness'.
I believe someone is truly happy when ya just knida do what feels good, not do what you think others think should make you feel good. I think this is why I enjoy this site so much. SG prides itself on embracing alternative forms of beauty, daring to deviate from the mainstream... and really strives to embrace every form of beauty, no matter how "strange" it may be. Kinda like what Riley said, right? And tho me, that's what true feminism is, and it doesn't necessarily always apply to 'just women'. How about being representative of encouraging people to just be people? Queer? Straight? Gay? Trans? Boy? Girl? Both? Neither? All of the above? Tom boy? Fairy? Who cares, really! I think that as long as we are happy, and are not causing hurt or pain to ourselves or anyone else, then s'alllll good. Society/people in general tend to get hung up on minor, insignificant details in this world, (e.g., is that BOY wearing makeup? How is SHE a CEO?) which ultimately causes them to miss the 'big picture'.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this little girl's revelation. I wish I knew more people who were as tolerant, open-minded, and matter-of-fact as she.
Ball' bustin' man-hatin' feminism... In my view, this is NOT what it means to be a feminist...
image taken from
To be honest, this is the first time I've actually written about a topic and chosen to straight-up identify it with feminism. Even I, as a self-identifying feminist, have shied away from using the word because of the negative connotations it seems to carry, at least in North American society. I am not formerly educated as a feminist, nor do I know every historical fact and tidbit, nor do I claim to 'know all there is to know' about feminism. I consider myself to have an open mind, and am edgar to learn, shape, and re-shape my own personal thoughts and ideas as to what feminism is, was, could be, or should be. Ok, enough of a disclaimer already - to my point!
Check out this video:
I saw this online last week. A little girl, Riley, is about 4 years old, standing in an aisle in Toys-r-Us with her dad. It is while in this toy aisle that she pieces together the concept of gender constructs. Riley asks 'why' girls toys are pink, and boys toys are all different colors. She's very concerned because she knows that girls and boys end up liking stuff just because they like it, not because they're "supposed" to or not. I found this moment of watching such an innocent, un-influenced mind of a child piece together a big part to the puzzle we call 'true happiness'.
I believe someone is truly happy when ya just knida do what feels good, not do what you think others think should make you feel good. I think this is why I enjoy this site so much. SG prides itself on embracing alternative forms of beauty, daring to deviate from the mainstream... and really strives to embrace every form of beauty, no matter how "strange" it may be. Kinda like what Riley said, right? And tho me, that's what true feminism is, and it doesn't necessarily always apply to 'just women'. How about being representative of encouraging people to just be people? Queer? Straight? Gay? Trans? Boy? Girl? Both? Neither? All of the above? Tom boy? Fairy? Who cares, really! I think that as long as we are happy, and are not causing hurt or pain to ourselves or anyone else, then s'alllll good. Society/people in general tend to get hung up on minor, insignificant details in this world, (e.g., is that BOY wearing makeup? How is SHE a CEO?) which ultimately causes them to miss the 'big picture'.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this little girl's revelation. I wish I knew more people who were as tolerant, open-minded, and matter-of-fact as she.
Ball' bustin' man-hatin' feminism... In my view, this is NOT what it means to be a feminist...
image taken from
And, for those of who were wondering... YES, A MAN CAN BE A FEMINIST!!!!!!! And JA - If you want to identify yourself as a human-loving equal-opportuinity-embracing individual, then YES I think this INDEED classifies you as a feminist. That being said, what is with people and having labels for stuff, anyways?! Perhaps a discussion for another day....
Thanks for participating everyone! I hope maybe you learned something or have taken something away from this discussion to enrich/enlighten your mind. Basically is what I'm saying: S'all about peace and love! Be happy! Be kind to others! Follow your heart! etc....