So life really likes to get its lolz from me. Its ok though I like rolling with the punches. Funny how great opportunities always seem to come with horrible timing. The flurry of thoughts gets overwhelming at times but it feels good to be able to laugh through most of it.
In the future, scientists will prove that we never even existed
- Sage Francis
All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go! Its been a hectic few weeks now but the end is near. So now as I see my life packed into a little 5x10 storage unit gives me perspective. Its not the things in my life that really make me smile but the people I get to share them with. Nothing like a full storage... Read More
Packing packing packing .... is it not weird seeing your life all boxed up neatly (or maybe chaotically) in boxes? I'll be homeless for a week waiting for my new apt to get ready so I've been putting everything in storage. I think above all else its just unsettling seeing your life cramed into a 10x5 storage unit. Not looking forward to the 6 days... Read More
so today is a GREAT day. Got approved on an apartment w/in 10 minute walk of my office! Going tonight to drop off a deposit check. Still some minor things to work out. I'll be homeless for a week, but might be a good time to take some time off and get a little R&R in!
whew I hate apartment hunting it takes a lot out of me! Hopefully be through with the stress after this weekend, with a little luck this will be removed from my list of stresses soon and I can get along with my life as normal. Well as normal as living out of boxes for a month or two can be.