Well, this has been a VERY DISAPPOINTING Remembrance of MJJ. Besides myself, I didn't hear anyone or anything going on today. 2 years ago before I left Austin I did attend an event around this time.
It was the WRONG AVENUE and CROWD :-(!. I HIGHLY doubt that anybody did anything last year because of that DAMNING Wacked-Ass Documentary those two extortionists did.
Fuckers 🙁😔🤬!!!!! After all Michael did for those two dudes. Don't Bite The Hand Who Feeds You. I swear if I ever run into those two, I'd REALLY give them what for 🤨😔😡!!! I can't even download ANY of his later tracks he did for my Karaoke Machine. It's like TONS of people pulled his entire legacy off the racks because of those two lying lazy a-holes 🙄.
Well I for one will NEVER, EVER forget ya Mike. You can count on that 😎!!!
Long Live The King Of Pop.
Miss You Michael :-(....