work, School, nap, work, school, nap, work, school, nap, work, school, nap,work,work on projects at school, nap, work, work on projects at school, nap, nap, stress about not working on project that is due tomorrow, nap, stress, nap, stress, nap, work on project, nap, lather rinse repeat, ad naseum/infinitum.
There's some small amounts of socializing mixed in there. And probably more stress about not working on a project than is necessary. There's also a great deal of drawing a hot naked ataxia three nights a week in class, but other than that---wanting to enjoy what I have not what I don't think I have.
My ex-gf called tonight. I did not answer the phone. I've seen so many people hang on to a relationship from the past, or even a fling, they just don't let it go. What good does it do anyone? J-ex, is married. Some of her crap is still here buried in a closet. Some of it is her scrapbooks and photo albums, the rest are books and assorted items garnered while we were together that I have no real use for. Like I ever really wanted to decorate in a Western and native american motif. When she lasted attempted to communicate with me, she requested that I box her stuff up and send her the photos and scrapbooks, saying she would pay. She also offered me a picture of her son. I ignored the message. I said we could be friends, but that was totally denying my feelings.
Should I send her that crap or just toss it out? I am not a jerk, not usually. But????
Other favorite Aeon Flux quote: "Take a stand!"