nearly eight weeks since graduation. While I still don't know for certain which grad school I am going to attend, I am really looking forward to it. I just started an art collective with some respected artist friends, Dayton Dispersal Factory. We will be located around the country, hence "dispersal". We are all from, live, or have lived in Dayton, Ohio. Working on the website,...
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I have been so busy with life and school I haven't existed on SG in years. The site has gotten so much better than when I first joined four or five years ago. Not that the girls are hotter just the functionality of the site. I miss interacting with the people here. I suppose once I graduate I'll have slightly more time, but I am...
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Thank you for your lovely comment on my set <3
I continue toward graduation in the art program. My new printmaking teacher is excellent. I've learned three color-process lithography and now I am moving on to color intaglio. My previous instructor, though really knowledgeable, was ready to retire. I still visit with him once a week at his studio, as such I continue to learn from him, but in a way that plato's must have...
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Haven't really tried to socialize on SG for quite some time. I basically spend all my time at school in one of the studios developing my skills in sculpture and printmaking.
Actually, I renewed my account on SG back in February because I forget to cancel my membership. It's not for lack of enjoying all the new sets, just that as I said I haven't...
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Actually, I renewed my account on SG back in February because I forget to cancel my membership. It's not for lack of enjoying all the new sets, just that as I said I haven't...
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the military is well, pretty intense. i have a tough job, but it makes it all seem worth while. i am did sign up for civilian police academy for the begining of next year.
i need to start running again this week.
i hope you have a safe journey.
i need to start running again this week.
i hope you have a safe journey.
upcoming reason to smile. My work *some of it* is on display at a small gallery in Fayetteville NC, Cape Fear Studios
Haha, yeah, I DID in fact drink at Unkle. Probably a little too much even. Was a good concert, although I think James Lavelle (the Unkle guy) comes accross as a bit arrogant. Then again, he was probably just mashed on drugs.
I don't update my blog often. I am too damn lazy!
I don't update my blog often. I am too damn lazy!
hey zef, hows it going? i just got back last month.
dark revisions
schemes of reality
skipping off the surface of make believe memories
hurtling through the vast uncertainties of man's mysteries
ideas are putty
molded and made solid only if let to dry
otherwise they remain malleable
forever flexible to the give and take
push and pull of possibility and novel circumstance
ideas formed in molds
shatter when encountered
by notions that defy their shape...
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schemes of reality
skipping off the surface of make believe memories
hurtling through the vast uncertainties of man's mysteries
ideas are putty
molded and made solid only if let to dry
otherwise they remain malleable
forever flexible to the give and take
push and pull of possibility and novel circumstance
ideas formed in molds
shatter when encountered
by notions that defy their shape...
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I just spent a good deal of my free time this weekend making a kick ass duct tape messenger bag (well, really it was gorilla tape) . It's black, silver, and clear. It's big enough to hold my 15.4" in Sony Vaio and 14" x 17" drawing pad. It's got numerous pockets, though currently none of them seel. I'm working on that. It's even got...
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LoL. So ironic huh? Cuz yeah my cat isnt too happy that im allergic to her name. 

spending time creating is supoer important for your wellbeing and happiness!! im trying to do the same!! thanx for the comment!
Started Fall Semester, today. I am finally attending full-time. Digital Art, art history, advanced printmaking, and intro to painting. I am so looking forward to this. I cut my hours back at work to part-time. I can do this because I moved over the summer into my friends living room. It's a big house and a really big living room. It's about half the size...
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3d was great!
School still sucks. BUT I DO NEED MORE PICTURES!! I need to unload my phone cam on here. lol.
School still sucks. BUT I DO NEED MORE PICTURES!! I need to unload my phone cam on here. lol.
Yes the topic SUCKS. But it was a lab so I didnt get to choose it. Actually the massed versus distributed is the easy part the attention is the hardest part to write about. Im on page number 1. lol Out of 29. I suck. Im avoiding homework as I type. LoL. HOW are you?
Summer isn't even here and it's almost gone. At least that's how it feels.
I am moving out of my oversized apartment into a friends house. The rent will be way cheaper which should make life less stressful for the next year while I am still in school. Privacy is an issue as I am occupying a part of the house that has doorways (archways??)...
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I am moving out of my oversized apartment into a friends house. The rent will be way cheaper which should make life less stressful for the next year while I am still in school. Privacy is an issue as I am occupying a part of the house that has doorways (archways??)...
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So how have you been lately? Good 4th of July? I slept. Got this damn sinus infection bullshit. Anyways miss talking to you!
update. update. update.
RE-Friended de-friended friend. Weird. Had a long conversation, all went well. Strange how depression works.
Anyway, school. Lots of printmaking and drawing. Getting lots of comments from advanced students who appear to be shocked that I am not an advanced student as my work and knowledge seems more advanced than some of them. But I am humble. I am just doing the best I can....
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Anyway, school. Lots of printmaking and drawing. Getting lots of comments from advanced students who appear to be shocked that I am not an advanced student as my work and knowledge seems more advanced than some of them. But I am humble. I am just doing the best I can....
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it was great to see you too.
thanks again for everything
i;ll call you the next time i have signal
thanks again for everything
i;ll call you the next time i have signal

update already ....geesh