From laylachi


Thank you sooo much for the follow!! ❤💋😉 You're a cutie, but your name freaks me out lol (insane story) but regardless THANK YOU🍬

My name? I'm curious... in fact, is a nickname, a contraction of Aluizio (my real brazilian name) gave from my grandma: Aluizio --> Aluiziozinho (something like Little Aluizio) --> Zizo --> Zeezo (in Brazil "i" sounds like "ee"). ;-)
Well now not so much 😊 lol but when I first saw zeezo it freaked me out. When I was younger I had a Ouija board (dont laugh haha), and it always said its name was Zozo. A few years ago I randomly typed in Zozo in Google, and thousands of shit popped up!! Like hundreds of thousands reports have been made to the American Supernatural Society, with stories of a Ouija demon named Zozo!!! They even made a movie about it! Sounds crazy I know, but I KNOW what Zozo said to me, and I was only 10! Zozo, Zeezo, at first glance it was too familiar. But after you explained your name, I'm not afraid now 😝 lol