As of Sunday I am out of Dodge (Kansas) I am going to either Daytona Beach Florida or LA California, (I'll decide for sure when i get on the highway) But sadly since my laptop is broken i wont take it so no SG for a while. I may be able to check in but I cant look around as much, so that sucks.
I'll try to keep in touch with those of you I regularly speak with, but most of you won't give a shit that I'm gone so oh well.
I have a female friend who really doesnt want me to leave and I am (foolishly) in love with her, so i contemplated staying for her, but thenI remembered something, "oh yeah she doesnt want anything to do with me" (but tells me she loves me and cried when i said goodbye and when i told her I would miss her but that she shouldn't waste her money to come visit she really broke down and seemed truely upset) All this from a girl who told me she just wanted to be friends (even though the whole reason we ever met is because she asked me out) Im just confused.
Anyway thats enough blabbering from me (little drunk gonna go sleep it off) so I'll shut up now.
I'll try to keep in touch with those of you I regularly speak with, but most of you won't give a shit that I'm gone so oh well.
I have a female friend who really doesnt want me to leave and I am (foolishly) in love with her, so i contemplated staying for her, but thenI remembered something, "oh yeah she doesnt want anything to do with me" (but tells me she loves me and cried when i said goodbye and when i told her I would miss her but that she shouldn't waste her money to come visit she really broke down and seemed truely upset) All this from a girl who told me she just wanted to be friends (even though the whole reason we ever met is because she asked me out) Im just confused.
Anyway thats enough blabbering from me (little drunk gonna go sleep it off) so I'll shut up now.
I'll miss you around here, but I hope you have a great time wherever you go. If you end up in LA, I'll see ya at the SGLA events! Keep in touch if you get the chance. AIM = StoopidPolack And it sounds like this friend of yours is just as confused about her feelings for you than you are. Best of luck to you. 

Best of luck, and can't wait to hear all about it