Okay, okay, I understand that all things increase in price over time. It's called inflation, cost of living, whatever. I get that.
I heard, a couple weeks ago, that we'll be looking at $4/gallon for gas by the end of the year. (For those of you living in Europe, I don't bloody care how much you pay for your gas. Please skip along to another post. I'm gonna whinge a bit here.) Fine, okay, great. I love getting shafted by oil companies who are RAKING IN BILLIONS IN BLOODY FUCKING PROFITS.
I was okay knowing that, at some point, I'd notice, over time, that my gas was now over $4/gallon. That was okay, because over time, things increase in price.
Tonight, I go to feed Grawp, and I pass gas station after gas station offering normal, regular-grade gasoline for $3.35-$3.50 per gallon. I finally stopped at one, since Grawp's been on empty for about four days now, and offer up my credit card and wait for the meter to stop. (In Oregon, we are not allowed to pump our own gas, by the way.) The attendant came back around and handed me the slip and I about had a coronary.
$50+ dollars US.
Grawp is a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu MAXX which is supposed to get between 22 and 32 mpg. I don't drive a pickup or an SUV (though my dream truck is a gas guzzling Avalanche). I picked him because he's comfortable, stylish, and good on gas.
I haven't averaged all my receipts, but I'd be willing to bet I *might* hit 20 mpg (almost all my driving is city). That means I get between 250 and 300 miles to the tank. It also means I only have to get gas once a month (I live close to work). If I had to drive any more than I currently do, I think I'd probably flip right the fuck out and start targeting oil company executives...
So anyway, I get the receipt and stare at it for a moment. Through the haze, I belatedly recognise the attendant said something to the effect of "have a nice night". The only response I could think of was yelling back at them as they disappeared into the warm interior of the station.
"What the fuck?! WHERE'S MY REACH AROUND?!"
Going up over several months, I could deal with. Prices were less than $3/gallon a week or two ago. Seriously, w h a t t h e f u c k, over?
I heard, a couple weeks ago, that we'll be looking at $4/gallon for gas by the end of the year. (For those of you living in Europe, I don't bloody care how much you pay for your gas. Please skip along to another post. I'm gonna whinge a bit here.) Fine, okay, great. I love getting shafted by oil companies who are RAKING IN BILLIONS IN BLOODY FUCKING PROFITS.
I was okay knowing that, at some point, I'd notice, over time, that my gas was now over $4/gallon. That was okay, because over time, things increase in price.
Tonight, I go to feed Grawp, and I pass gas station after gas station offering normal, regular-grade gasoline for $3.35-$3.50 per gallon. I finally stopped at one, since Grawp's been on empty for about four days now, and offer up my credit card and wait for the meter to stop. (In Oregon, we are not allowed to pump our own gas, by the way.) The attendant came back around and handed me the slip and I about had a coronary.
$50+ dollars US.
Grawp is a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu MAXX which is supposed to get between 22 and 32 mpg. I don't drive a pickup or an SUV (though my dream truck is a gas guzzling Avalanche). I picked him because he's comfortable, stylish, and good on gas.
I haven't averaged all my receipts, but I'd be willing to bet I *might* hit 20 mpg (almost all my driving is city). That means I get between 250 and 300 miles to the tank. It also means I only have to get gas once a month (I live close to work). If I had to drive any more than I currently do, I think I'd probably flip right the fuck out and start targeting oil company executives...
So anyway, I get the receipt and stare at it for a moment. Through the haze, I belatedly recognise the attendant said something to the effect of "have a nice night". The only response I could think of was yelling back at them as they disappeared into the warm interior of the station.
"What the fuck?! WHERE'S MY REACH AROUND?!"
Going up over several months, I could deal with. Prices were less than $3/gallon a week or two ago. Seriously, w h a t t h e f u c k, over?

happy birthday!
You made me smile
Thank you! You rock!