Blargh it's been a while since I updated on here and for that I do apologise. A fair bit has happened since I last updated and not all of it has been good.
We had a resident commit suicide a few weeks ago, he was someone I knew quite well and it was a terrible tragedy that he couldn't see any other way out. My heart goes out to his mum and dad who had entrusted him to our care. A lot of the RA's were blaming themselves over his death as really our entire job is to keep students happy but I guess there's a lot of stuff beneath the surface that we can't see and really there isn't much we can do if the resident doesn't want us to know how they feel.
My mum was in hospital last week after cracking her ribs in a bad fall, it feels strange being this side of the world and being completely helpless to do anything but wait for information. She's going to be completely fine but it means she probably won't be able to travel much when I visit in December.
That's the other part of my news! I will be in the UK in December, December 1st - December 20th and then I will be flying down to Zimbabwe for Christmas and New years. i need to come back to Australia in January before University starts back up because I need to find a job that pays better than my current one. I'm starting to make my big plan and I think if I plan on living in Australia I will need a bit of start-up money. Having said that I have just gone and blown a lot of it on my tickets but there are people I haven't seen in years and I miss them enough to put up with cold beans for a couple of weeks.
So I'm sure I've neglected to mention something but I think this is enough of an update for now. How is everyone else? Anyone from the UK who would be up for a bit of drinking in Brighton or London?
We had a resident commit suicide a few weeks ago, he was someone I knew quite well and it was a terrible tragedy that he couldn't see any other way out. My heart goes out to his mum and dad who had entrusted him to our care. A lot of the RA's were blaming themselves over his death as really our entire job is to keep students happy but I guess there's a lot of stuff beneath the surface that we can't see and really there isn't much we can do if the resident doesn't want us to know how they feel.
My mum was in hospital last week after cracking her ribs in a bad fall, it feels strange being this side of the world and being completely helpless to do anything but wait for information. She's going to be completely fine but it means she probably won't be able to travel much when I visit in December.
That's the other part of my news! I will be in the UK in December, December 1st - December 20th and then I will be flying down to Zimbabwe for Christmas and New years. i need to come back to Australia in January before University starts back up because I need to find a job that pays better than my current one. I'm starting to make my big plan and I think if I plan on living in Australia I will need a bit of start-up money. Having said that I have just gone and blown a lot of it on my tickets but there are people I haven't seen in years and I miss them enough to put up with cold beans for a couple of weeks.
So I'm sure I've neglected to mention something but I think this is enough of an update for now. How is everyone else? Anyone from the UK who would be up for a bit of drinking in Brighton or London?