Oof. I got a fun phone call on Friday. It was the hospital, asking me where I was. Apparently they'd planned this big fun procedure, the doctors were all scrubbed up, the bed was made and they were all very excited to get a chance to operate on me. Sadly they had forgotten a trifling detail, namely informing the patient that he was meant to be at the hospital...Ah well I'm just hoping that when the actual procedure does take place they aren't as forgetful and I don't end up with a wallet or watch inside me!
Anyway my Anzac weekend was pretty fun. We all had a minutes silence for the Soldiers on Saturday and then each raised a beer in thanks (although mine was ginger-beer cause of my stomach but I think the soldiers would be ok with that) We also took a friend out to dinner for her birthday. It was a nice chilled weekend. I had work on Sunday but there was next to no problems and nothing that really needed mediating so I pretty much got to play vidja-games all day
Today I looked at articles for my final essay and played frisbee with some friends. It was a good day but I can feel the pressure with assignments and exams beggining to mount and I'm not looking forward to it. I also haven't decided what to do on my winter break. Do I wanna go home to Zimbabwe to see my family even though I'll probably end up bored the whole time I'm there? My original plan was to stay for the winter break and work to save up for my UK trip but the main reason was a girl and now shes made it clear shes moved onto someone else.
Tomorrow I have a workshop on dealing with Shyness. Hopefully I'll learn to be a little more outgoing and expressing myself won't be so hard
Hope everyone else has had a decent weekend/start to the week
Anyway my Anzac weekend was pretty fun. We all had a minutes silence for the Soldiers on Saturday and then each raised a beer in thanks (although mine was ginger-beer cause of my stomach but I think the soldiers would be ok with that) We also took a friend out to dinner for her birthday. It was a nice chilled weekend. I had work on Sunday but there was next to no problems and nothing that really needed mediating so I pretty much got to play vidja-games all day

Today I looked at articles for my final essay and played frisbee with some friends. It was a good day but I can feel the pressure with assignments and exams beggining to mount and I'm not looking forward to it. I also haven't decided what to do on my winter break. Do I wanna go home to Zimbabwe to see my family even though I'll probably end up bored the whole time I'm there? My original plan was to stay for the winter break and work to save up for my UK trip but the main reason was a girl and now shes made it clear shes moved onto someone else.
Tomorrow I have a workshop on dealing with Shyness. Hopefully I'll learn to be a little more outgoing and expressing myself won't be so hard

Hope everyone else has had a decent weekend/start to the week

hi friend how are u?