I turned a really bad night into a good one this blog is basically all about randomness and friendship. Friendship is a beauitful thing people even if you only have one friend or 15 or more take time to let them know you appreciate them. I have a friend named Kami who i consider my dobleganger(sorry for mispelling of words) now we met on myspace when we were 15 and have been besties since we first met in person in 2010 and have been tight ever since! we have so much in common its redic!!! last night while we waited for my tattoo artist that never came we decided to party, and heres how our night went. Happy to be reunited
happy to get some booze and momo in our systems
by this time were tispsy and screaming about how if were were to go someone out of state people would look at us like were celebrities bc of our hair, and as the night goes on and we get more hammered to drian the pissyness of not getting any ink we become sexually frustrated(but in a friendship kind of expierment type way )
aka me teaching her how to kiss a girl tisk tisk always giving lessons to lesbo virgins
ps:dear Kurosune how i miss our lesbo moments
same to you too Neato
Ive met so many hotties since ive been apart of this site! <3 and ill start from my all time closest/fav people (this includes pinks,hopefuls and members)
Ive met so many others but man my hands are starting to hurt stupid artheritis!!!! crusty old bones! Well to finish this story the night ended with a phone in rice due to dropping it in the toilit no tattoos two very wasted girls trying to take sexy pix all un balanced and uncodirnated
we went to waffle house and finished our adventure there
Well i guess thats all for now!! until the vids upload
happy to get some booze and momo in our systems
by this time were tispsy and screaming about how if were were to go someone out of state people would look at us like were celebrities bc of our hair, and as the night goes on and we get more hammered to drian the pissyness of not getting any ink we become sexually frustrated(but in a friendship kind of expierment type way )
aka me teaching her how to kiss a girl tisk tisk always giving lessons to lesbo virgins
ps:dear Kurosune how i miss our lesbo moments
same to you too Neato
Ive met so many hotties since ive been apart of this site! <3 and ill start from my all time closest/fav people (this includes pinks,hopefuls and members)
Ive met so many others but man my hands are starting to hurt stupid artheritis!!!! crusty old bones! Well to finish this story the night ended with a phone in rice due to dropping it in the toilit no tattoos two very wasted girls trying to take sexy pix all un balanced and uncodirnated
we went to waffle house and finished our adventure there
Well i guess thats all for now!! until the vids upload
you and your friend are super cute