heres some kinda blurry quick images of the set she shoot(which i want to take the time to personally thank Milloux for taking the time to wake up in the wee morrning even after we didnt get much sleep and do my hair and get me all gorgeous and taking this set so randomly, it was a blast! )
I love Milloux! even when shes sick shes up and smiling and having a great time which is awesome! and shes sooo photgrentic and gorgeous in person! wow! Then the shortly after the shoot we went out for breakfast at Catalinas(my first time being there) with Alissa and King
And after all the food was gobbled up Marceau arrived, and we went and shoot an amazing multi and single shoot of her! which shes oooo beauitful and funny as hell in person!
After interacting with such beauitful woman inside and out and seeing what its like to kick it at a set and just feel welcomed and open is an extrondinary feeling. I cant say there are many people that fully inspire me to want to be a better woman but SG has helped so much with my personal transoformation into the woman i am today. I wanted to say thank you for everyone who has supported me since ive been active on this site. and I hope to continue being apart of this community! =) I will have tons of videos up soon and i just made an album which i have tons of pictures to add to it! Hope everyone is having a good weekend !
Peace love and cupcakes
Zebrah <3