I am Zebrahs heart and im exicted! because
my set Day Dreaming comes out in 6 days!!!! extremly pumped for that!
Smoked a blunt last night hopeing it would help and it did! i had a blast last night it was the first time in months i had my apartment to myself! i was so happy lol i took tons of pictures and videos
Just sent my first titty text to the all beauitful Nuka if anyone else is down mess me your number
Ok and one more thing i dont know who did it!!!!! but someone bought off of my wishlist the halloween coustume i wanted i mean it says its been pruchased and i know i havent pruchased it! So if someone did please send me a mess so i can thank with all my heart because that is the sweetest thing ever! and its my first bought item off my wishlist ever! so it means the world to me and i shall cherish it forever =D