If life is like a box of chocolates then why am i always getting the crusty chocolates?? like the orange and pink insides and shit?! Life better get a little pecan in it or something im tired of living the crusty life i need me some good in it like..........caramel or butter nugget or some shit! because i DESERVE SOME GOOD CHOCOLATES!......whew thats all had a break down moment but im back
but in a way, its workin out right... cuz you never know what our gonna get. at any rate, the universe has a way of working things out. sorta like karma, they go hand in hand. things might be tough now, but itll get better. always does
awww thanks love! <3 yeah im possitive it will im not much of a negative person but ive been surrounded by it lately so im about to just say fuck the chocolates and get me some gummies lol at least i can strech the possibilites with gummies lol