Such a busy day. Woke up and tried to get as much done as possible, Paid bills, went to bank , made last minute shopping, got car serviced, got a hair cut, Blah blah...
Came home made chicken noodle soup. Wich turned out pretty damned good considering I have never made soup before. Didnt bother telling my MMORPG zombie roomates. They wouldnt appreciate it anyhow.
Got clothes to wash, and a few rooms to scrub down before I go. I hate comming home to a messy house. Blah. I like comming home to a clean fresh start, so If i am tired I can just pass out.
Gve 40 bucks to 2 kids who were selling lemonaid for donations to red cross for the tsunamie. There faces lit up when I gave em 40 bucks for a cup of really really bad lemonaid. Its good to see kids out helping, or scamming, just doing anything besides tv and video games.
Anybodie know of any good books , that are easy to pick up and read. I hate reading books that take 100 pages just to get good.
Thinking about going to see Oceans Twelve tommorrow, anybodie seen it, enough to give me a honest review of it? I was thinking of watching that or the new Morgan freeman / eastwood movie. The one about the lady boxer.
Will try to get those pictures up a bit later , just been so busy. So If you bored check back in a bit.
Running out of recipes to try , and chefs have any ideas of kewl dishes to cook ?
Came home made chicken noodle soup. Wich turned out pretty damned good considering I have never made soup before. Didnt bother telling my MMORPG zombie roomates. They wouldnt appreciate it anyhow.
Got clothes to wash, and a few rooms to scrub down before I go. I hate comming home to a messy house. Blah. I like comming home to a clean fresh start, so If i am tired I can just pass out.
Gve 40 bucks to 2 kids who were selling lemonaid for donations to red cross for the tsunamie. There faces lit up when I gave em 40 bucks for a cup of really really bad lemonaid. Its good to see kids out helping, or scamming, just doing anything besides tv and video games.
Anybodie know of any good books , that are easy to pick up and read. I hate reading books that take 100 pages just to get good.
Thinking about going to see Oceans Twelve tommorrow, anybodie seen it, enough to give me a honest review of it? I was thinking of watching that or the new Morgan freeman / eastwood movie. The one about the lady boxer.
Will try to get those pictures up a bit later , just been so busy. So If you bored check back in a bit.
Running out of recipes to try , and chefs have any ideas of kewl dishes to cook ?

ha, yeah you too. (small world)