
Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.

love & dating

A group for everything to do with love and dating! Vent, brag, ask advice...Whatever!

itty bitty titty committee

Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive

no friends

A group for people who want to make new friends, but sometimes have a hard time with it. Everyone is welcome. Home of the thread-kill.

health & fitness

The place to discuss healthy lifestyles. Share experiences, ask questions and discuss anything related to health and fitness.


All things gaming: new school, old school, PC, Xbox, Playstation, Handhelds, etc! Discuss gameplay, modding, and anything else gaming-related!

hopeless romantics

Do you long to hear the sweet words of yore? Think a little new-fashioned chivalry should be creatively resurrected by the world at large? Then look no further, my sweet, this just might be the place for you.


Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!