Thursday Jan 31, 2008 Jan 31, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'M BA-ACK!!!!!! How the hell is everyone? Whats going on in H-town. You crazy mother fuckers need to give me the low down on the happenings in this god foresaken town!!!!! xoxoxoxo VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS atari11: im kinda sad i never saw you when you were here. mel only told me you were here the day of your leaving do oh well i bet houston is kicking aberdeens ass haha xxx Feb 4, 2008 maibey: Smith IS cool. Especially his ass. Best tooshie around. Great hair too Feb 5, 2008
mel only told me you were here the day of your leaving do
oh well i bet houston is kicking aberdeens ass haha xxx
Especially his ass.
Best tooshie around.
Great hair too