Hey there ladies and gents. So, it's nearly 8am, what am I doing up? I have no idea myself. The guy I'm seeing had to get up at 7 and normally I go back to sleep but not today. It sucks. so I'm sitting here eating cinnamon toast adn watching made adn just feeling a little down in all honesty.
Recently I guess I haven't felt that well appreciated. I feel that in many relationships I'm the one that puts in all the effort. I guess you could say that I kind of feel taken advantage of. It's like my friends come round to eat my food, drink my drink and use my internet. even the guy I'm seeing only tells me I'm hot when we're fuckin, does that mean he isn't actually attracted to me but thinks I'm a good fuck? Who knows but it's totally getting me down. Just driving me a bit mental and is making me feel really self conscious. I hate feeling like this but I can't get all these thoughts out of my head!!! AAAaaaaGGgggggHHHHhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I just wish, i just wish.....I don't know what I wish but I know that I want a guy to be proud of me and be like 'fuck, that's my girlfriend and she's hot'! and not afraid ot show affection when we're out and stuff. And my friends, I want them to realize just what I do for them and actually say just once..'thank you'. too much to ask?
Anyway, on the upside, I'm in the final stages of selling my flat, the legal contracts are being drawn up the now. I've also put a bid in for a flat in Leeds which is awesome!!!! Things are finally coming together!
Also, I have my first appointment for my sleeve on teh 3rd sept!!!! It's gonna be a vampire type theme with a cat on my forearm, then it's mistress on teh other side and quite big....a very hot vampire in PVC. On the upper arm it's gonna be a grave yard type affair. Havn't got the particulars as we're gonna kind of play it by ear but the color scheme is mainly gonna be black and purple so quite dark but very girlie! Totally excited!!!!!
Anyway, gonna run for now and hula hoop then get a bath me thinks. Thanks for listenening to the rant!!!!
Later gators!!!!!
Recently I guess I haven't felt that well appreciated. I feel that in many relationships I'm the one that puts in all the effort. I guess you could say that I kind of feel taken advantage of. It's like my friends come round to eat my food, drink my drink and use my internet. even the guy I'm seeing only tells me I'm hot when we're fuckin, does that mean he isn't actually attracted to me but thinks I'm a good fuck? Who knows but it's totally getting me down. Just driving me a bit mental and is making me feel really self conscious. I hate feeling like this but I can't get all these thoughts out of my head!!! AAAaaaaGGgggggHHHHhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, on the upside, I'm in the final stages of selling my flat, the legal contracts are being drawn up the now. I've also put a bid in for a flat in Leeds which is awesome!!!! Things are finally coming together!
Also, I have my first appointment for my sleeve on teh 3rd sept!!!! It's gonna be a vampire type theme with a cat on my forearm, then it's mistress on teh other side and quite big....a very hot vampire in PVC. On the upper arm it's gonna be a grave yard type affair. Havn't got the particulars as we're gonna kind of play it by ear but the color scheme is mainly gonna be black and purple so quite dark but very girlie! Totally excited!!!!!
Anyway, gonna run for now and hula hoop then get a bath me thinks. Thanks for listenening to the rant!!!!
Later gators!!!!!
hey we all need to vent once in a while and feeling unappreciated and taken for granted can be quite common. I know I've felt like that several times before. The thing is to tell them how you feel without sounding accusing. If they're really your friends they'll totally understand

The venting is cool, I'm here to listen. And you seem like an awesome girl, and it sucks that you feel used. I know how you feel on the friends thing, though. A little bit of gratitude can go a long way. I hope things get better