Tiger Army and The Creepshow tonight!!!!
I just need to finish one more shift and I can take the train up to Toronto! I even convinced my boss to let me leave three hours early today because I don't think I could handle a twelve hour shift before this. Tonight is going to be awesome music and a really drunk Corey!
I just need to finish one more shift and I can take the train up to Toronto! I even convinced my boss to let me leave three hours early today because I don't think I could handle a twelve hour shift before this. Tonight is going to be awesome music and a really drunk Corey!
Well, I thought my dry spell had been broken but apparently I was wrong. I've been quite sick recently and have not really felt much like writing, or doing anything for that matter. It all cumulated into me going to the hospital last week and finding out I had a lung infection. Luckily for me they gave me some pills and I seem to be...
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Sooooooo... I haven't really written anything in quite some time. Have not really been feeling lately. Fortunately this dry spree has been broken which is good since one of my main reasons of even signing up here was to start writting more even if it was just about my boring life.
So what have I been up to, one might ask if one was interested?...
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So what have I been up to, one might ask if one was interested?...
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so what have you been up to since april8 ?

Never mind.
Fine then.
Called in sick to work today. It has been a very long time since I missed a day and I just decided to. Now I just have to find something exciting!
So last night we went out to a concert for my friends birthday because only the nicest guys throw their own party and than charge us to come, haha! So anyway the concert was really sucking and we were getting bored when all of a sudden some guy walks in dressed in leather and carrying a box horse. He takes a look around and then...
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hahahahahaha, i like how this is your only picture.
Ugh. I woke up this morning incredibly hungover. My friend just had his girlfriend of over a year break up with him and move out so we went to the pub last night. I drank a bit but I didn't really get that drunk, oddly though I still feel really hungover. I think it is, at least in part, because I have not been to...
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I suppose I should talk about myself a bit before I get to know people here and start to worry about what people might think about me.
My name is Corey and I live in Oshawa, Ontario. There is much in life I enjoy and I try not to dwell on the negative but sometimes it happens. Personally I prefer an optimistic outlook on life...
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My name is Corey and I live in Oshawa, Ontario. There is much in life I enjoy and I try not to dwell on the negative but sometimes it happens. Personally I prefer an optimistic outlook on life...
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Hi, new here. Never been here before. I do not really know what to expect from this place so who knows. I might be around for a long time and I might only be here for three months. I don't really know what to say in this, not really knowing what to expect from this and all. So good-bye for now. I'll probably write more...
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