I just did a bunch of new banners for SG, I posted them in my pics folder here. I was lazy so I just used pics from my favorites folder- see if you can identify who is in each banner. Haven't heard back, I hope they like 'em...
So as promised, the secret origin of the all-powerful superhero fighting force known as the zerokidz:
It all started about 5 years ago when I met up with seanbaby. He had a massively popular humour site some of you might remember (it's still up but I don't think he updates it anymore- seanbaby.com if you're interested). Anyway, I was doing shirts for him and seeing as he was based in Portland he knew Missy & the crew when they were just starting out. He passed my info onto them and they contacted me to do some SG shirts. Well, said I, how about instead of paying me for those shirts you just send me pictures of some of those sexy girls on your site wearing some of my gear? They agreed and the first zerokidz pictures were born, featuring jetta, marie and others.
Unfortunately the shirts I did for SG weren't all that great (I was just getting my feet wet with screenprinting and my skills weren't up to par), so they wound up going with another printer. But by then I already had a membership and was fully hooked on SG, so I decided to just ask some of my favorite girls outright if they wanted to model for me. Mary and claudia turned me down, but to my surprise many were quite enthusastic about it and pretty soon I was getting pics from the likes of lola, marla and aries. A phenom had been birthed.
That's enough for this week kids. Before I sign off: the list of shame. Here are a few girls who I sent stuff to who never came through with pics. Maybe this list will shame some of these gals into coming forward with pics? Shame, girls, shame!!
llona (took pics but didn't send)
quinne (ditto)
debrajean (that was actually my fault- I sent them to the wrong address)
There were actually a lot more than this but feh, so long as the shirts are loved and worn I'm alright with it. Of course, getting pictures is a big thrill and posting them on the site is fun. I'm currently waiting with bated breath for pics from day, kikka, reagan, paz and quite a few others. But it's nice to have something to look forward to, innit?
So as promised, the secret origin of the all-powerful superhero fighting force known as the zerokidz:
It all started about 5 years ago when I met up with seanbaby. He had a massively popular humour site some of you might remember (it's still up but I don't think he updates it anymore- seanbaby.com if you're interested). Anyway, I was doing shirts for him and seeing as he was based in Portland he knew Missy & the crew when they were just starting out. He passed my info onto them and they contacted me to do some SG shirts. Well, said I, how about instead of paying me for those shirts you just send me pictures of some of those sexy girls on your site wearing some of my gear? They agreed and the first zerokidz pictures were born, featuring jetta, marie and others.
Unfortunately the shirts I did for SG weren't all that great (I was just getting my feet wet with screenprinting and my skills weren't up to par), so they wound up going with another printer. But by then I already had a membership and was fully hooked on SG, so I decided to just ask some of my favorite girls outright if they wanted to model for me. Mary and claudia turned me down, but to my surprise many were quite enthusastic about it and pretty soon I was getting pics from the likes of lola, marla and aries. A phenom had been birthed.
That's enough for this week kids. Before I sign off: the list of shame. Here are a few girls who I sent stuff to who never came through with pics. Maybe this list will shame some of these gals into coming forward with pics? Shame, girls, shame!!
llona (took pics but didn't send)
quinne (ditto)
debrajean (that was actually my fault- I sent them to the wrong address)
There were actually a lot more than this but feh, so long as the shirts are loved and worn I'm alright with it. Of course, getting pictures is a big thrill and posting them on the site is fun. I'm currently waiting with bated breath for pics from day, kikka, reagan, paz and quite a few others. But it's nice to have something to look forward to, innit?
aw yay! thank you so much! i would LOVE hapibot in bright pink small. that would be the most fantastic thing ever. i could take more pictures for you if you like too, when i get it. better ones. haha.
it IS nice to have something to look forward to.