This site is full of cool girls, the types of girls I would probably like to date, so I'm going to ask for a little advice. I am a total geek and have only ever asked a handful of girls out before. I've had a few girlfriends, but usually it's them who initiates things and I kind of step back and let things happen. But I want to be more forthright and start to ask more girls out. In fact, there are 3 or 4 girls I know right now that I could probably ask out, but I'm such a massive dork that I can't get up the nerve. I know, just do it, right? Well, maybe you can give me some tips as to what NOT to do. What is a good approach? One girl works at a coffee shop I frequent and I'm thinking of just asking her if she wants to model for my site. But that might be too forward. I just thought maybe all y'all might be able to give me a little bit of inspiration/advice/inside info. Thanks in advance.

I know getting the conversation started could be tricky.
Maybe work in a lament on how the Marquee may be closing and how it's such a downer for Halifax live music go-ers and that maybe you 2 should catch a show when she's free? Try it on all 3 or 4
Cheers for the info on the shirt