I might be barely breathing,
but im not dead no.
no im not gonna let it get me down,
im not gonna cry,
im not gonna loose any sleep tonite.
cause tomorrows another day,
and I am not afraid.
(but i am soooo soo afraid) i swear. The doctor says I have to quit smoking or My lungs will start shutting down. And Then I'll eventually get asthma. That explains the not being being able to breathe, chest pains, nose bleeds, and other random NON healty things that have been occuring. "lameness" I still cant believe I've been smoking since I was 10. OMG. ::falls over:: I have a pinched nerve in my leg, which is creating it to spaz every 5 minutes and start cramping. GREATTTTT. I have to get my hips, back, knees, ankles, teeth, ovaries, eyes, lungs in order and working. And thats going to COST lots of money. And as we know zaz is poor. >_<
school starts soon. I need a laptop. I need paper, pencils, highlighters and all that other artsy goodness.
I need to go lay down. It hurts to sit in this chair any longer.
I promise I'll have a real update one of these days and maybe a lot of you will actually comment and say hey! I'm still here. Don't worry. But till then. I feel like shit.
so I TRY to sleep.
Get better.