I am in complete awe right now. I can not believe the amazing feedback that I have gotten from my set and that fact that some of you believe enough in me to say I should go "live" and "pink".
I never in a million years thought I would have the kind of responses that I did.
I almost didnt submit the set. I almost let the negative nancy inside me get the best out of this situation.
I just want to say thank you all so so so much. You're wonderful people. You really don't know how much it means to me.
I was a tiny girl once, I've went through hell and back over the years and gained some (100 pounds) but I am slowly learning to love my body and with the kind words I've received I am really starting to believe that I am a beautiful person. Who would have thought that getting naked for millions of people to see would change that?!
anyways, feel free to talk to me
I promise I won't bite, hard ;D
<3 much love Zaylin.
I never in a million years thought I would have the kind of responses that I did.
I almost didnt submit the set. I almost let the negative nancy inside me get the best out of this situation.
I just want to say thank you all so so so much. You're wonderful people. You really don't know how much it means to me.
I was a tiny girl once, I've went through hell and back over the years and gained some (100 pounds) but I am slowly learning to love my body and with the kind words I've received I am really starting to believe that I am a beautiful person. Who would have thought that getting naked for millions of people to see would change that?!
anyways, feel free to talk to me

<3 much love Zaylin.

Thanks for you words on my blog, YOU are a sweetheart!!! 

I'd do it and have a great lavender foot cream, it's magic!!!