I had the most wonderful day... well nay... 24 hours...
Last night while grading papers a gust of wind came in the screen door and blew everything onto the ground... As I have stated before I listen quite closely when nature speaks to me I went outside and found the winds of the Crone blowing After a good long session of listening and enjoying the familiar feeling of the passing into my season I came in tidied the mess and finished my task We soon went to sleep and waking this morning the house was nicely chill (Which makes me quite happy) The day was wonderfully overcast and on my way to work the children and I agitated a flock (okay I dont know for sure what they were I was busy trying to keep M from chasing them into the street so I will go with flock) that had been resting in our yard
I find my spirits lifted and I finally understood the horrible funk I have been under is lifting As with the season I have again found myself at the cross roads of change It is amazing how the span of hours can make such a difference in seasons in life things that I am more than aware of but, somehow needed reminding, again *sigh*
I am resolved and refreshed knowing that by cycles end both another year, another season, and another season of my life shall have passed
Time to find some new candles as well I finished out my black and red ones and it is much easier to replace them in October
Oh and I am posting this again this atrocity this lame excuses for a picture of me I would shoot the person who took it but, well I guess he has to do his job too When the official year book picture is out I will post that too just to give yall another laugh...
Now all I need is a good rain
Isn't it apparent he said... I am taking your picture now... for the site... smile... *click*??
Last night while grading papers a gust of wind came in the screen door and blew everything onto the ground... As I have stated before I listen quite closely when nature speaks to me I went outside and found the winds of the Crone blowing After a good long session of listening and enjoying the familiar feeling of the passing into my season I came in tidied the mess and finished my task We soon went to sleep and waking this morning the house was nicely chill (Which makes me quite happy) The day was wonderfully overcast and on my way to work the children and I agitated a flock (okay I dont know for sure what they were I was busy trying to keep M from chasing them into the street so I will go with flock) that had been resting in our yard
I find my spirits lifted and I finally understood the horrible funk I have been under is lifting As with the season I have again found myself at the cross roads of change It is amazing how the span of hours can make such a difference in seasons in life things that I am more than aware of but, somehow needed reminding, again *sigh*
I am resolved and refreshed knowing that by cycles end both another year, another season, and another season of my life shall have passed
Time to find some new candles as well I finished out my black and red ones and it is much easier to replace them in October
Oh and I am posting this again this atrocity this lame excuses for a picture of me I would shoot the person who took it but, well I guess he has to do his job too When the official year book picture is out I will post that too just to give yall another laugh...
Now all I need is a good rain

Isn't it apparent he said... I am taking your picture now... for the site... smile... *click*??
THATS exactly why he is probably my oldest and bestest fiend around when it comes to this cyber-culture...
I have actually been wanting to have a chat with you...Strangely enough, I come here to see what fun is lurking in the mind of Zaya, and I am so pleased to hear that you have had the experience, but also that it is of one that is not only made you elated so to want to scream it till it shouts alone...But also that I KNOW you really are as happy as you say you are...I have always thought that you were a very gifted, and as should be, elated, powerful tour de forse that sweeps from beneath the feet of those that walk without sight.
It's funny...I had to finish up all the paperwork of finalizing my Mothers death on paper, and also this knee surgery has made me feel utterly out of touch as I have found that walking is a good thing...something I am going to do again..(I wasn't given these legs for nuthin!)
Anyways...NOW? Im babbling...and I aint no brook...
I'll talk to you soon Doll...
Take Care Lady...Ka (That's Egyptian for "May your deepest soul [Ka] be satified and pure")