Rant of the week?? Conformity... Fuck it!!
Some of you will be so fucken proud of me... I had too (yes HAD TOO) come brag... after a hellofa week at work (called in for a meeting with a parent cause I am teaching about the Devil [Greek/Roman mythology] and then yelled at for being too tough on the students [by a mother whose child I haven't even seen yet, just sent work to get caught up on]) I rushed home to put on my very old and comfy jeans, new Devils Rejects shirt, and drug Aversin out for Mexican food and beer!!! I ended up not getting my beer and food together acutally I didn't even drink beer now that I think of it... we went to a old fave place that recently changed hands and they havent gotten a license yet to sell booze So I did eat and then go find booze Black Cherry Margaritas Fucken wow loved them and had plenty of them
I so fucken needed this after too much conformity in my life I really do love my job, but dressing professionally and working around people who are ssssssssoooooooooo fucking idk what they are (You listen to what?!?! Arent you too old to have a Tinerkerbell purse??) Yes I did pull up listening to fucken Slipknot blaring and I love my fucken purse I ware my Rock the Arts black band and my wide band black and silver fucken watch to work I refuse not to ware my balls with my rings on them to work Yes I have tattoos on my toes (and other fucken places thank you very much, never mind my metal) I got the justice kanji on my left big toe right along with my husband and brother when my brother left for Operation Enduring Freedom (he also went to Operation Iraqi Freedom) These are all things that make ME FUCKEN ME!!! This has nothing to do with my ability to teach students Not to blow my own horn here but I know I can teach I havent removed myself so far from being youthful that I can still reach them I dont care that they listen to Rap, Rock, or whatever I want them to read Manga I think they should if they want to I refuse to change me to be a teacher I will still be loud I will still be ME!!!
[Warning this wont be kind, if you think me nice skip it]
On the topic of being me
Mistress SexySadie and I have discussed this often in chat, but I would like to rant about it here too Once upon a time it wasnt cool to be like me My black mismatched clothing, my dark personality (thou not as dark as some) my hard ass music, and dark makeup is a statement of my personality My tattoos are not for the sake of cool... They are for me... They are carefully thought out pieces of art I wish to carry with me till the day I leave and stop expressing myself... Each set of ink represents a point in my life that I wish to always remember (not all of them are happy moments either mind you [check above])... I feel now TOO MANY people run into a tattoo studio to get ink or metal to be cool (the irony?? this does keep my friends that are artist/pierces working now) I hate going in and seeing some innocent eyed young fresh 18-year-old getting whatever piece is in style at the time Am I saying that young people should not get tattoos?? HELL NO!! I am saying that if you run in and pick something because everyone is doing it then take a stand against conformity Because now conformity is what was anti-conformity was Now a statement of the norm If you believe that the style now is new then just get off the wagon now PLEASE!!! I understand the need to dress and be original because you are then do so HOWEVER if you are trying to be anti-conformity please be thoughtful in expressing yourself don't go with the flow...
Also... On the topic of Punk music... Punk was a revolution and in many rights still is If you are new to punk please, if you are going to take up ideals and the dress at lest gain some fucken knowledge There were puck bands BEFORE now Do not talk philosophically about the music if you dont have the background knowledge If you think Green Day is the original puck band, go fucken get a clue (No offense meant Pauly) If you are unware of Black Flag, Misfits, The Ramones, Dead Kenndys, The Germs or many others not listed please become familiar with them I become increasingly agitated with people (of all ages) who think punk is new
Peace and love is here to stay Happy happy all the time
Also Several times recently I have been referred to as a Goth now, before I go further realize I am not slamming the Goth lifestyle I am not Goth I am, if any label must be placed on me, punk and there is a difference
Stopping now before I move onto the tragedy of Katrina Cause I am not sure I can go there with dry eyes and clam mind yet Still trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing...
Until later...
Stay safe...
And because I haven't in a great while...

Rant of the week?? Conformity... Fuck it!!
Some of you will be so fucken proud of me... I had too (yes HAD TOO) come brag... after a hellofa week at work (called in for a meeting with a parent cause I am teaching about the Devil [Greek/Roman mythology] and then yelled at for being too tough on the students [by a mother whose child I haven't even seen yet, just sent work to get caught up on]) I rushed home to put on my very old and comfy jeans, new Devils Rejects shirt, and drug Aversin out for Mexican food and beer!!! I ended up not getting my beer and food together acutally I didn't even drink beer now that I think of it... we went to a old fave place that recently changed hands and they havent gotten a license yet to sell booze So I did eat and then go find booze Black Cherry Margaritas Fucken wow loved them and had plenty of them
I so fucken needed this after too much conformity in my life I really do love my job, but dressing professionally and working around people who are ssssssssoooooooooo fucking idk what they are (You listen to what?!?! Arent you too old to have a Tinerkerbell purse??) Yes I did pull up listening to fucken Slipknot blaring and I love my fucken purse I ware my Rock the Arts black band and my wide band black and silver fucken watch to work I refuse not to ware my balls with my rings on them to work Yes I have tattoos on my toes (and other fucken places thank you very much, never mind my metal) I got the justice kanji on my left big toe right along with my husband and brother when my brother left for Operation Enduring Freedom (he also went to Operation Iraqi Freedom) These are all things that make ME FUCKEN ME!!! This has nothing to do with my ability to teach students Not to blow my own horn here but I know I can teach I havent removed myself so far from being youthful that I can still reach them I dont care that they listen to Rap, Rock, or whatever I want them to read Manga I think they should if they want to I refuse to change me to be a teacher I will still be loud I will still be ME!!!
[Warning this wont be kind, if you think me nice skip it]
On the topic of being me
Mistress SexySadie and I have discussed this often in chat, but I would like to rant about it here too Once upon a time it wasnt cool to be like me My black mismatched clothing, my dark personality (thou not as dark as some) my hard ass music, and dark makeup is a statement of my personality My tattoos are not for the sake of cool... They are for me... They are carefully thought out pieces of art I wish to carry with me till the day I leave and stop expressing myself... Each set of ink represents a point in my life that I wish to always remember (not all of them are happy moments either mind you [check above])... I feel now TOO MANY people run into a tattoo studio to get ink or metal to be cool (the irony?? this does keep my friends that are artist/pierces working now) I hate going in and seeing some innocent eyed young fresh 18-year-old getting whatever piece is in style at the time Am I saying that young people should not get tattoos?? HELL NO!! I am saying that if you run in and pick something because everyone is doing it then take a stand against conformity Because now conformity is what was anti-conformity was Now a statement of the norm If you believe that the style now is new then just get off the wagon now PLEASE!!! I understand the need to dress and be original because you are then do so HOWEVER if you are trying to be anti-conformity please be thoughtful in expressing yourself don't go with the flow...
Also... On the topic of Punk music... Punk was a revolution and in many rights still is If you are new to punk please, if you are going to take up ideals and the dress at lest gain some fucken knowledge There were puck bands BEFORE now Do not talk philosophically about the music if you dont have the background knowledge If you think Green Day is the original puck band, go fucken get a clue (No offense meant Pauly) If you are unware of Black Flag, Misfits, The Ramones, Dead Kenndys, The Germs or many others not listed please become familiar with them I become increasingly agitated with people (of all ages) who think punk is new
Peace and love is here to stay Happy happy all the time
Also Several times recently I have been referred to as a Goth now, before I go further realize I am not slamming the Goth lifestyle I am not Goth I am, if any label must be placed on me, punk and there is a difference
Stopping now before I move onto the tragedy of Katrina Cause I am not sure I can go there with dry eyes and clam mind yet Still trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing...
Until later...
Stay safe...
And because I haven't in a great while...

[i would do more but busy sorry lol]