The names Zatoria and im pretty new to this blogging lark. Up untill now i have not been one for all this social media shiz, which is probably due to the fact that i possess the social grace of a wet turnip. Ive spent a great deal of my life hating my body and worrying myself sick about what others thought of me, and as such became shy and anxious in my own skin, BUT NO MORE I SAY!! With the love of a good man and self induced kick up the back side, I've decided to embrace who i am and all i could be. So here i am to break out of that shell and (hopefully) emerge a new woman, and I look forward to meeting some new and interesting friends along the way :)
ciao for now! Xx
P.S. Selfies aren't exactly my forte. Dont worry im working on it, but in the meantime heres a taste of what you can expect from me. Enjoy. x