Hey everyone happy snow time. Yeah that's right it's snowing here and I'm loving it. My new job is exhausting and pretty depressing but cool all the same, I love drugs so much lol. Anyway I hope everyone is having a good time and happy holidays to all may your drunkeness be obnoxious, and your mornings be hangover free.
happy birthday.
As my kisses trickle down your stomach
Then around the inside of your thigh
the tension is enough to make me high
I come close enough to let a moan escape
but just to heighten the ecstasy I retreat with just a light scrape
Causing a shiver to run the length of your complex nerve endings
But don't worry this is only the beginning
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Hey how's it going everyone? My life is kicking some serious ass I just got a job I was hoping for. I'm gonna be a pharmacy technician at a coumpounding pharmacy fucking sweet. It's a lot of chemistry related stuff and I can't wait. I start in two mondays. FUCK CONSTRUCTION smile
It's Saturday and damn is it cold out. On the bright side though it's also really sunny smile A few friends are coming over to play poker and drink tonight and it's my nephew's first birthday so all told today is a good day.
sorry it took so long. i've been extremely busy lately.
welcome to the BCB group.
As I awake to one glorious sunbeam it all becomes clear
that there is absolutely nothing to fear and nothing is as it seems
I walk a path that twists and turns
I look ahead into infinity all the while my focus burns
With a gaze so intent I fail to see the crack in the path that just tripped me
As I sit on...
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Thank you for answering the philosophy thread my good man.
Hey what's happening everyone I just got here and am glad to be here. Today was a decent day even though a good friend of mine blew me off the bastard. Anyway All you Suicide girls are gorgeous and I love the site. Later. ARRR!!!