To anyone who cares, my computer has died. This means that I will not be able to access the site with any regularity at all for the immediately foreseeable future. That's why I'm cold and unresponsive. Of course, I've no idea whatsoever how long I'll be thus deprived.
If you send me a message, it will be routed to my email (which I can check at work, at least). If you'd like a response, include your email address.
UPDATE - I may be back online at home as soon as Monday night. No guarantees, of course. But nothing in this world is certain.
If you send me a message, it will be routed to my email (which I can check at work, at least). If you'd like a response, include your email address.
UPDATE - I may be back online at home as soon as Monday night. No guarantees, of course. But nothing in this world is certain.
If it's any consolation, I'm about to throw my comp out the window 'cause it only works for about 10 mins at a time. I guess I gotta get ready to drop some dough on a new one...